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Unexpected Chances

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His finger halted her moving lips, the touch both firm and gentle. “Are you going to deny us something we both want?”

She sighed, then placed her hand in his and let him wind their way to the dance floor. His hand came to rest at her waist, intimately pulling her against him until their lower bodies swayed in unison to the sultry beat of the music.

She shut her eyes and gave herself over to feeling, suddenly understanding why John had never been enough. Why no man had ever come close. No one could ever live up to the memory of her first love, and now he was back, wreaking havoc with her life again.

Though she was older and wiser this time, the thought gave her no sense of comfort because she was no more in control of her emotions and desires than she was over the inevitable outcome of this brief reunion.

* * *

The snow had started falling sometime during the party. White flakes drifted down and stuck to the ground and, combined with the weather forecast over the next few days, brought with them the certainty of a white Christmas. It’d been years since Dylan had enjoyed snow and even longer since the promise of tomorrow looked so damn good.

He waited as Holly pulled her wool coat tight around her and cinched the belt at her waist. Dancing with her, holding her in his arms again, had convinced him this return home had been exactly what he needed. And if the byplay between Holly and John was any indication, Dylan was exactly what she needed, too. He hated, like hell, that his old friend, John, would be a casualty, but obviously things between him and Holly hadn’t been all that good before Dylan returned to the picture.

Dylan knew Holly was wary and had good reason to mistrust both him and his motives, but he’d made progress already. He had but one crucial week to cement her trust.

“Ready?” he asked her.

She nodded.

“Where do you live now?”

She pulled on a pair of black gloves. “I took over the apartment above the office that Dad used to rent out to students.”

“Smart move. So you walked here?”

“Yes.” She inclined her head. “What about you? Are you staying with your mother?”

“Would she let me live if I didn’t?” He chuckled. “She’s so happy to have me back home that she’s already cooked me breakfast, lunch and dinner.”

They started down the street.

“Careful or she’ll spoil you. Do you cook for yourself back home?”

He took the fact that she was asking questions about his life as a positive sign. “If it can be defrosted in a microwave and zapped, I can cook it,” he said proudly.

She laughed, and the sound carried on

the wind, churning in his gut. “That sounds pretty close to my life lately. But I hired a partner who’s supposed to start working after the first of the year, and I really hope it’ll take some of the burden off me!”

“Assuming the old folks take to her?” Dylan asked knowingly.

“It’s a him,” Holly said. “Lance Tollgate. I think the patients will like him,” she said, her voice warming. “He’s young and friendly, and he’s got kids, so he can relate to the grandparents and parents. It should be a good fit.”

“Your father would be really proud of you.”

“Yeah, he was.” Her voice cracked with emotion. “Sorry. It just hasn’t been that long.”

Dylan swallowed hard. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here.” He reached for her hand and held on tight.

“I got through it. There was a lot you weren’t here for,” she reminded him.

He knew they’d have to discuss and deal with his abrupt departure if he had any hope of her believing he wouldn’t abandon her again. But he wanted her to get to know him again first.

They approached the office, and she led him around back to the private entrance. He followed her up the few steps to the front door and paused.

“Do you want to come in for a cup of coffee or a drink?” she asked while fishing for her keys.

He did, but he had other plans. “Thanks anyway, but I need to get up early.”

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