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Unexpected Chances

Page 13

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A quick kiss, no explanation, and Dylan left first thing the next morning. Holly told herself she was glad that things had played out as she’d expected. She told herself she could handle the brief fling he obviously wanted and intended. And she’d keep telling herself that until she believed her own words.

She stopped at the office to do some insurance paperwork and see a few sick patients, before heading to the grocery store to fill her empty refrigerator and then on to the department store to get more gifts. Christmas carols played over the speakers in the supermarket as she loaded her cart. As usual, the store was the central meeting place, and more than one friendly face commented on Dylan’s return and how his car had been parked on her street late into the night.

Her face flushed hot with the first remark, and she was certain her cheeks remained pink as she went up and down the aisles. By the time she reached the checkout line and pushed her cart behind Dylan’s mother, of all people, she was sure she had reached her maximum state of mortification.

“Holly, honey, how are you?” Kate asked, as she placed her items onto the belt.

“Just fine. And you?”

“Good. Good,” she said, smiling. “About Dylan—”

“Yes?” Holly asked warily.

Because of her relationship with Dylan and all the time she’d spent with his family, she and his mother had remained close after he’d gone. By unspoken agreement though, they’d never discussed Dylan. Apparently that was about to change.

“I’m so happy you and my son have made your peace.” Kate beamed, obviously unfazed that Dylan had been out all night at Holly’s.

But Holly was even more humiliated than before. Not once last night had she given small-town gossip a thought, and since she and Dylan were both adults, she certainly hadn’t been thinking that his mother would notice his absence.

She gripped the cart handle tighter, her knuckles white as she tried to acknowledge Kate’s comment without embarrassing herself further. “We’ve come to an understanding,” she said diplomatically.

Better than admitting Dylan had spent the night in her bed, his big body wrapped around hers, his hands doing all sorts of sinful, erotic things to her. And she had more than reciprocated, relearning his body, what he liked, what he loved and what really turned him on.

She shivered and forced a smile for his mother’s sake.

Kate continued talking. “I told Dylan I expected you both for dinner tomorrow night. It is Christmas Eve, after all.”

Before Dylan’s return, Nicole had invited her over but she hadn’t decided whether she’d rather be alone. “That’s sweet but I’m not sure what my plans are yet,” Holly hedged. She and Dylan hadn’t made any more plans to see each other, and she didn’t want his choices to be influenced by his mother’s command.

But Kate waved a hand, dismissing Holly’s words. “Your mother would never forgive me if I left you alone on the holiday when she was with her sister. Besides, look at all the food in the cart. I’ll cook all day tomorrow. Dylan’s already agreed, so it’s settled.”

Holly inhaled deeply and let the decision be made for her. “Then at least let me bring dessert.”

“Nonsense, honey. You just spend time with Dylan and let me worry about dinner. Just bring yourself around four. Okay?”

“Okay,” she said, knowing she’d bring something anyway. “I look forward to it.” Which was true. She’d love to spend the holiday with Dylan and his family.

She just hoped Dylan felt the same way.

* * *

Dylan returned from his meeting with the real estate agent on an all-time high. He’d found the perfect parcel of land and had already made an offer. If he closed his eyes, he could env

ision exactly the kind of house he wanted to build there. He returned to Holly’s, whistling as he rang the bell and waited for her to answer.

She opened the door, a smile on her face that widened when she saw him. She wore casual sweats and a pink sweatshirt she’d cut at the arms and across the middle. With her tousled curls and lightly made-up face, she looked delicious, good enough to eat and definitely good enough to come home to every single day.

He grinned and whistled louder.

“Someone’s in a good mood,” she said.

He stepped inside and swung her through the air before setting her bare feet down on the floor. But not before letting her slide down the length of his body and feel how much he’d missed her. “I’m just enjoying life.”

She looked at him curiously, and her gaze narrowed as she studied him. “So just where were you that put you in such a good mood?”

“I was Christmas shopping. For you,” he said, teasing her.

“You were out doing something for me?” Her blue eyes twinkled with delight.

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