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Unexpected Chances

Page 16

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He still wasn’t used to this teasing side of her, but he sure liked it. “What’d you have in mind?”

She hopped down from the counter, and with deft hands, she opened his jeans. As he watched, his breath coming in shorter and shorter gasps, she pulled the denim over his hips and thighs. When they reached his ankles, he kicked the pants aside. His briefs quickly followed, and his freed erection sprang to life.

Pulse pounding, heart racing, he met her gaze. “What now?”

She patted the counter where she’d once sat. “Have a seat.”

He complied, shivering when the Formica touched his bare skin. “Damn, that’s cold.”

“Don’t worry. I have every intention of warming you,” she said, her voice hot and thick. “Do you remember what my favorite ice cream topping is?”

He raised an eyebrow. “I’m guessing it’s still that Marshmallow Fluff you were just eating.”

She reached for the jar and brought it beside him. He glanced from the gooey white fluff to the wicked gleam in her eyes. “You wouldn’t,” he said, the blood rushing in his ears at the very thoughts soaring through his head.

“You don’t think I would?” She dabbed her finger into the jar and slowly placed it into her mouth, sucking the crème from her finger with her tongue, grazing with her teeth, all her movements deliberately, seductively slow.

His erection throbbed harder and his mouth grew dry.

“Well?” she asked.

“I dare you,” he said, using the words that had once provoked her into sneaking out of her house to meet him by the corner of her street so they could go make out in his car.

She met and held his stare for a brief moment before dipping her fingers into the jar. Drawing a deep breath, she coated the head of his erect penis with the Fluff. He’d wanted to watch, but as her fingers and the sticky substance touched his aching member, the sensation was too much. He leaned his head back against the cabinets and groaned aloud, knowing he was powerless and completely at her mercy.

Forcing his eyes open, he noticed that Holly was trembling, perhaps even more than Dylan, which told him a lot. Despite the playful teasing, she was deadly serious about him. He knew it in his gut.

Lowering her head, she bent and took him into her mouth, drawing him in deep. The moist warmth was nearly his undoing. He nearly came then, before she even began working him, but he managed to exercise control. He gripped the edge of the countertop hard with his fingertips, his head still resting against the cabinets, his body shaking with a restraint that lasted only until she began a steady, rhythmic sucking.

Her tongue licked the Fluff, licking at him, pulling, teasing up and down. She grazed the head of his penis with gentle teeth, then soothed long, luxurious laps of her tongue, never letting up. He was shaking even before his climax hit, and when it did, the sensation rocked him hard, wave after wave consuming him. Lost in the world she created, he came. And carne. And came.

When he’d caught his breath, he opened his eyes to find her staring back at him. He cupped her head in his hands and looked into her warm, giving eyes.

“I love you, babe.” He’d meant to kiss her. The words toppled out instead.

She straightened and took a step back. Dylan realized his mistake immediately. He’d spoken too soon, and he’d shaken her up badly. But before he could say a word to smooth things over, her cell phone rang and she dove to answer it.

Cursing, he jumped down and pulled on his pants. He wanted to deal with her fully dressed and fix his mistake as quickly as possible before she withdrew even further.

Unfortunately, she returned, cell phone in hand, reaching for her purse. “It’s an emergency. I have to go.”

She’d turned from his seductress to shaken woman to in-control doctor in seconds flat. He respected it. Respected her.

“Let me drive you.” For selfish reasons he didn’t want to be apart from her right now.

She gave a curt nod. “I don’t have time to argue. Robert Hansen’s five-year-old fell and hit his head on the corner of a table. He’s got a huge gash, and there’s lots of blood. I said I’d meet them at the hospital.”

“Good thing I got dressed,” he said, laughing.

Unfortunately, she didn’t join in.

* * *

Holly had never been happy at someone else’s expense and she wasn’t about to start feeling that way now, but she couldn’t deny she’d been so darn grateful for the phone call that had distracted her from Dylan’s heartfelt words. Her heart pounded hard in her chest, even now, as she filled out the last of the paperwork on Jason Hansen. The child had received stitches and had just narrowly missed hitting his eye on the table corner in his fall. He was one lucky little boy, she thought, signing her name and handing the clipboard in at the hospital desk.

Dylan waited for her in the lounge, where she’d have to face him and their shared afternoon. She’d started by using sex and foreplay as a distraction. A means of avoiding a more serious discussion that might lead to him telling her he needed to return to L.A. But her deliberately seductive move had turned into a completely emotional one for her.

She’d wanted to give herself to him in a way he couldn’t possibly forget. She wanted to be indelibly etched in his mind forever just as she knew that moment would be a permanent part of her, heart and soul. And now she had to live with the consequences.

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