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Unexpected Chances

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“No, I didn’t change my mind, but the director isn’t someone I want to alienate, and my agent suggested we meet with him right away and discuss it face-to-face. When I factor in travel time, I needed to leave today to make the meeting tomorrow.”

She nodded. “And Melanie?”

“Wants me to take the role, and she’ll do anything to get me back to L.A. to convince me,” he said grimly.

“Including announcing a New Year’s wedding?” Holly asked.

He muttered a succinct curse. “You know about that?”

“It was on the morning news.”

His voice was cut off by an airport announcement. “What did you say?” she asked.

“My plane’s boarding. I said to remember what I told you about believing newspaper articles.” She heard the pleading tone in his voice.

“I remembered.” She let out a strained laugh.

“I have to go, but Holly?”

She shut her eyes and leaned against the wall. “Yeah?”

“I love you, and I will be back.”

“Bye, Dylan.” For Holly, the trick was to find the strength and courage to believe him.


Holly skipped breakfast and spent the rest of the morning playing Santa, dropping gifts off for friends and family, taking her time before returning home. When the doorbell rang, it caught her by surprise.

“Hi, Nicole.” Holly forced a smile.

“That’s a really grumpy ‘hi’ on Christmas! Good thing I came with something to make you smile.” Nicole strode inside, carrying a large shopping bag.

“Let’s go sit.” Holly gestured towards the family room. “I stopped by your apartment, but you weren’t home,” she said as they settled in.

“That’s because I was coming here.” Nicole curled her legs Indian style beneath her, making herself at home.

Gesturing to the bag, she said, “I wanted to find a way to thank you for being so good to me since I moved here. So I made you this.” She reached into the bag and pulled out a gorgeous, handmade blanket in a variety of earth-tone colors to match Holly’s family room.

“Oh, I love it. Thank you.” Holly hugged her friend tight, “That was so thoughtful. I didn’t know you knit!”

“My grandmother taught me.”

Holly smiled. “Well, I have your present right here.” She jumped up and pulled Nicole’s gift from beneath her tree. “It’s store bought and practical,” she said sheepishly. “And nothing as beautiful as this.” She fingered the soft wool, curling it between her fingers.

Nicole opened a box and pulled out a Tiffany key ring with her initial. On the key ring was a key to the office. “I thought you’d want more freedom to come and go as you please once you have the title of office manager,” Holly said, hoping her friend would be pleased with the gifts.

Nicole’s eyes grew wide. “Me? Office manager?”

Holly nodded. “With my new partner starting soon and him bringing in his patients from the next town over, we need a full-fledged manager. I talked to Lance—Dr. Tollgate—and he agreed to a promotion and a raise. Merry Christmas,” she told her friend.

Nicole squealed and hugged Holly tight. “You’re the best. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Okay, now that the gifts are over, where’s the man?” Growing serious, she glanced around the room, obviously looking for Dylan.

“He’s in L.A. Or should I say on his way back to L.A.”

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