Dare to Touch (Dare to Love 3) - Page 12

“Didn’t know him. My mother used to say she thought Callie and I had different fathers, and from the looks of us, I’d say she was right.”

“She didn’t know for sure?” Olivia asked, her voice rising with her shock and outrage.

He raised one shoulder. “Men came and went.” The disgust in his voice was obvious.

“How did you … well, end up being you? You got a scholarship and now a great job.” With no adult in the house, who’d cared enough to give him direction or love?

He shrugged, but his discomfort was obvious. “Callie picked up the slack around the apartment, and I worked as soon as I was old enough to get a job. Paid under the table delivering groceries, but it was something. She made sure I did my homework, and I wanted to succeed and make money so I could take care of her for a change.”

“Oh, Dylan. You two are lucky to have had each other.”

“Now that I agree with.” He shook his head and, with the motion, seemed to rid himself of the memories and the mood. “So how about dessert?”

She wasn’t about to argue the change of subject. “What do you have?”

“Cannoli.” He walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed the pastry box he’d put inside.

“My favorite dessert in the entire world! Now I’m going to have to make room. And definitely fit in a workout tomorrow.”

He grunted at that. “What a coincidence. Cannoli is my favorite dessert too.”

“Coffee?” she asked, gesturing to the one-cup brewer.

He shook his head. “No thanks.

She opened the cabinet to pull out plates. “Leave it. Cannoli is best from the box.”

She shrugged. “If you say so.”

They returned to their seats around the table, the open box of Italian pastries in the center. Dylan still seemed quiet, something she attributed to the conversation about his childhood. She decided a change of subject was in order.

“So you’re flying to Arizona this Wednesday,” she said. The Pro Bowl was a week from this Sunday.

“I am.” His eyes lit up at the thought.

The Thunder had four players voted in this year, Marcus Bigsby included. Those playing usually flew in a week or so early and spent quality time at the resort. The guys with families savored the opportunity for a pregame vacation. Arriving on Wednesday would give Dylan a chance to adjust to the time zone change before the planned activities began on Friday night. And he’d be available to monitor player interviews earlier in the day.

He nodded. “I’ll have time to enjoy myself a little before the insanity starts.”

“Starting with a five-hour flight. But it is Arizona, you lucky dog.”

“Have you ever been there?” he asked.

She shook her head. “Maybe someday. I heard the spas in both Phoenix and Scottsdale are amazing.”

“I know I’d love to see you in a bikini,” he said all too frankly, taking her right back to being on the fine edge of desire.

With all the serious talk about his past, she’d forgotten he was determined to both charm and seduce her. The molten look in his eyes, the heat and need all for her, was a heady feeling.


“Come here.” He crooked his finger her way.

Frowning, she stood and walked over. He’d turned his chair so he was facing her as she approached. As soon as she came within reach, he pulled her onto his lap.

She squirmed uncomfortably but stilled when she felt his erection beneath her thighs.

“Good idea,” he said in a roughened voice. He smoothed her hair off her cheek, and his fingers lingered, tracing the line of her jaw, gliding down her neck and up again. Arousal became a living, breathing thing inside her.

Tags: Carly Phillips Dare to Love Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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