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Dare to Touch (Dare to Love 3)

Page 14

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“Yes,” she said, even more ungraciously.

He laughed at the mulish expression on her face. She didn’t like being pushed hard, and he admired that. “Good. So now that we’ve gotten all those things out of the way, anything else you want to tell me? Anything else I don’t know about?”

She blinked at him and started to wriggle in an attempt to climb off his lap. Running away again. He grasped her arms to hold her in place. “I’m going to take that as a yes, there’s more I don’t know.”


He placed a hand over her lips, and she stilled. “But I’m not going to ask you about it now. I need to earn that right. Agreed?”

She nodded slowly, the tension easing out of her in slow beats. “So what now?” she asked.

With a grin, he reached for a pastry and held it up for her to bite.

* * *

The man was dangerous, Olivia thought. From the hard thighs beneath hers to the delicious treats he offered, to the temptation he presented, she was done for. And so what? She was so tired of second-guessing what felt so good. He wasn’t worried, so why should she be?

She grinned back at him, opened her mouth, and let him place the cannoli between her lips. She bit down, and the creamy ricotta squirted inside her mouth.

“Mmm.” She moaned loudly at the sweet taste that exploded on her tongue, and the cream ended up all over the outside of her mouth. “Oh God.” Embarrassed, she looked around for a napkin, but there was none. They’d cleaned up too well.

“Let me,” he said in a husky voice. And he licked her lips, curled his tongue, and sucked the pastry cream into his mouth.

A lick here, a taste there, another nibble on her lower lip. Her belly twisted with arousal, and she clenched her thighs together as his cleanup of dessert turned into a tongue-tangling, lip-clashing kiss.

He grasped the back of her head in one hand and held her firmly against him, his mouth doing seductive, wicked things to hers. Long, slow laps around the inside of her mouth that ended with him sucking on her tongue until she writhed in his lap, her sex damp and pulsing with the need to get closer. She wanted that thick erection pressed against the most sensitive part of her, but her legs dangled sideways over his, and all she could do was moan and want.

He tugged at her hair and tipped her head back, those talented lips now trailing a warm path down her neck until he reached her collarbone. He remained there, tasting her, nibbling with his tongue and teeth. She was certain he’d leave a mark, especially when he nipped hard enough to hurt, a pain that soon blossomed into intense pleasure. And more wetness between her thighs.

“God.” She pushed off him, grasped his shoulders, swung her legs around, and settled herself back on his lap, her arms wrapped around his neck. Looking into his lust-filled eyes, she shifted until they were groin to groin, her sex nestled against his.

“Take what you need, sunshine.” He raised his hips, and a wave of pure desire washed over her, all encompassing and so good.

She threaded her fingers through his longish hair and kissed him hard, loving how he tasted and how he clearly appreciated the act of just making out and not rushing to the final act. He also wasn’t selfish, and as she rocked into him, her body lit up with need.

“Lift up.”

She did, and he pulled her dress up so he could slip his hand beneath the hem. His big hands cupped her breasts. Warm and solid, the pressure felt so good. She arched her back, pressing her aching nipples into his palms. All the while, her hips rocked back and forth against the swell in his jeans.

“Gotta get rid of all this material.”

Without warning, he yanked her dress over her head, and she raised her arms to help him. He tossed the offending garment onto the floor, leaving her in only a skimpy push-up bra—because the girls weren’t all that big alone—and a barely there pair of thong underwear.

He splayed his hands over her waist and eased her backwards so he could look his fill. A blush rushed to her cheeks. She’d never been all that thrilled with her lean body, but from the sheer approval in his gaze, he didn’t see her the same way.

“Damn, baby, those are gorgeous breasts.”

She blinked in surprise. “The bra’s pretty incredible.” She didn’t want him to be disappointed later.

He cocked an eyebrow. “Really? Because I’m kinda liking them.” He leaned down and pressed a light kiss to each mound overflowing its cup.

She trembled at his awe and quivered when his warm breath hit her skin.

He reached behind her and, with more dexterity than she wanted to think about, unhooked her bra and sent it the way of her dress.

Nearly nude while he was clothed, she felt completely wanton and a lot embarrassed.

“Stop thinking and go back to feeling.” He tweaked her nipple and she moaned.

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