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Dare to Touch (Dare to Love 3)

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He grinned. “You mean, do I want to clean up so we can get all dirty again? You bet.” Without giving her a chance to think again, he rose and pulled her out of bed, letting her lead the way to the bathroom.

He stared at the slender column of her back and that perfect ass, unable to believe he’d made this much progress. He should have pushed the point much sooner. Because sliding into the warm cushion of her body felt right in more ways than sex felt good. Like she was made to fit around him. It’d been better than he’d imagined, and he’d jerked off to thoughts of her often. But this wasn’t jerking off. It wasn’t just sex. It was something good and well worth the effort he’d had to put into pursuing.

Chapter Four

Olivia’s phone alarm woke her up for work as usual. She fumbled a bit before managing to shut it off, then rolled back, her arm hitting a solid object. Last night came back to her in vivid detail, her body acknowledging every erotic act flashing through her mind.

Suddenly she was hot and bothered, her body achy and warm. Sex, more sex, a hot shower in which they’d soaped each other up and rinsed each other off, only to indulge in yet more sex beneath the running water. Of course, that meant they’d created a wet trail to her bedroom so they could get to the condoms, but it had been worth it.

After rinsing off again under cool water, they’d fallen into bed, and apparently they’d both crashed hard. Because now it was morning.

She couldn’t remember the last time she’d woken up with a man in her bed. Then again, she couldn’t remember the last time any guy had pursued her with such single-minded determination either.

She didn’t feel like she’d given in. She felt like they’d started something that, just maybe, she could let herself believe in. A big male arm reached out and snagged her waist. Dylan dragged her beneath him, and she realized he was already erect. Apparently there was truth to the rumors men woke up that way. She let out an inadvertent giggle.

“What’s so funny?” He propped himself up so as not to squish her.

“Nothing. I’m just amusing myself.”

He smoothed her eyebrows with his fingertips, and she sighed at the light stroke. Something she realized about Dylan, he was a toucher. Something she was learning about herself, she liked to be touched by him.

“And you won’t share?” he asked.

She grinned. “Nope.” Some things a girl had to keep to herself.

She felt lighter this morning than she had in a while. Fighting their attraction, fighting him, had been wearing on her. She looked him over. In the early morning, he had sexy scruff around his goatee, and his heavy-lidded eyes seemed to devour her, and moisture trickled down her naked thighs. Acting on impulse, she reached for his erection and glided her hand up and down the velvety length.

He groaned and arched into her grip. “Don’t tease me,” he warned her.

“Not teasing,” she promised and tossed the covers off them, easing down his body until she was facing that massive part of him that was apparently wide awake and ready for her. “We have to get to work, so we’ll have to move it along,” she said, then swiped her tongue over the head.

He let out a rough groan. “Oh man. You do not have to—”

“I want to.” She cut him off with her words and punctuated her statement by pulling him into her mouth. He tasted like musk and man with a hint of salty flavor, and she hummed her approval, causing him to thrust his hips up, sending his length deeper.

Her eyes watered, but she wasn’t giving up until she’d accomplished her goal, making him feel as good as he’d made her feel all last night.

“Sorry, baby,” he said, tangling his fingers in her hair and tugging the long strands as she began to lick him slowly and steadily.

She slid her lips up and down his shaft, taking time to tease the sensitive spot beneath the tip before gliding down once more.

Soon he was pumping his hips up and down in time to her rhythm. She added her hands to the base, tightening her grip around his moist length, adding pressure alo

ng with the suction caused by her mouth.

He groaned hard and tugged at her hair. The entire experience had her aroused and on edge, her sex heavy and wet, the need to finish him in her mouth warring with the very real need to slide down on top of him and ride him to completion.

She moaned at the thought, and the vibrations triggered his release. He spilled his essence inside her mouth, as she swallowed quickly, taking every drop he gave until he was spent. She released him gently, laid her head against his chest, and caught her breath.

“I like waking up with you.”

Warmth spread through her. Ditto, she thought, not ready to reveal her feelings as easily as he did.

“C’mere, sunshine.” He pulled her up and covered her mouth with his, ignoring where it had been and kissing her for all he was worth.

And as she’d learned, the man could kiss. She purred, rolling her hips against him, causing him to break their connection on a chuckle.

“Don’t worry. I’m going to take care of you too.”

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