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Dare to Touch (Dare to Love 3)

Page 26

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“Flynn will be here later,” Dylan said. “But you’re missing Dare. Olivia Dare. I confirmed these reservations myself.”

Some more clicking followed. “I’m sorry, but I only have the five. And we’re booked solid.” A concerned and contrite look spread over his face.

“But my team is in this hotel. I need to be here too.”

“Liv, you can have my room.” Dylan placed a hand on her shoulder. The skin-to-skin contact sent her senses soaring, and her anxiety level about being separated from the team sparked even higher.

“Can you find me something in another hotel?” Dylan asked.

She shook her head. He was the travel director. He needed to be here, take care of the scheduling and other important matters. “You can’t switch hotels.” Although she appreciated the offer.

“I really would like to help you out, but most hotels are booked solid for the Pro Bowl. It’s going to be difficult finding you other accommodations,” the clerk said with regret. “I don’t know how this happened.” He went back

to his computer and tried to find what Olivia knew would be impossible. An empty room.

“The only thing I can say is that Mr. Rhodes has a suite. Of course, it’s a king-size bed and an outer room with a couch, but we can send up a rollaway.” The young clerk shrugged, clearly uncomfortable.

Join the club, buddy, Olivia thought and pinched the bridge of her nose, well aware a headache was building. It was one thing to have an affair with the man. But without her own room, a place to escape to? No breathing room? Constant togetherness? She didn’t know if she could handle it. She also knew she didn’t have a choice.

“I’ll take the rollaway,” she murmured. “If you don’t mind sharing.”

He shot her a disbelieving look. “We’ll discuss sleeping arrangements later,” Dylan said, then handed his corporate credit card to the clerk.

Olivia pushed out a breath and managed a nod. They both knew once they were alone in that suite, neither of them would end up on the cot.

* * *

A bellman escorted them to the Full Camelback Mountain View Suite. The oversized living room led into a beautiful master bedroom, and the terrace did, indeed, overlook the majestic mountains, giving them a glorious view.

“We can split the drawers,” Dylan said easily. “You go first and choose your space. I’ll put my stuff in the bathroom.”

“Thanks.” Olivia unpacked her things quickly, making sure to leave room for him even if she had to squish all her items together in both the drawers and the closet. His unpacking took a lot less time. And as he hung his last pants and shirts next to her sundresses and evening wear, a pang hit her squarely in her chest. One she couldn’t identify and didn’t want to examine too closely.

She escaped to the bathroom. He’d chosen the left side of the sink with the smaller counter space, leaving her more room. He was a gentleman, one whose sister had taught him what it meant to live with a woman, she thought, appreciating him. As she laid out her toiletries, the intimacy of the situation wasn’t lost on her.

Neither was a truth she hadn’t wanted to face. Since losing both Jeff and her baby, she’d convinced herself life was easier and better alone. Jeff might have been a college boyfriend, but they’d fallen into the habit of sleeping over and leaving their things in each other’s rooms. She’d never let anyone close since. She’d had affairs with men she liked but none she’d call relationships. She already felt more for Dylan than she had for any man in her life, and now they were truly sharing space. She shivered and pushed the thought aside.

She walked out of the bathroom to find Dylan grinning at her from one side of the king-size bed. He’d changed into a pair of swim trunks, his gorgeous chest and muscles on display.

“The bed is comfortable.” He patted the free side of the mattress. “Tell me you aren’t considering calling for the rollaway.”

She wasn’t surprised he asked. She was taken aback by the hint of uncertainty she saw in his gaze. For the first time, she realized it wasn’t all about her. He didn’t want to be rejected.

She stepped over to the bed and crawled on, stretching out beside him. “No cot for me. I’m sleeping with you.”

In the blink of an eye, she was flat on her back, Dylan’s big body looming over her. He smelled so good. And just the tease of his strength and the notion that only their clothing kept him from filling her deeply made all other worrisome thoughts flee from her mind.

“I’m glad you chose me over some lumpy cot.” He brushed his lips over hers and rolled off, levering himself to a sitting position, then rose to his feet.

Well, that was a tease, she thought. “What are you doing?”

“We flew in early and have a couple of days to settle, so I’m going to change and head on out to the pool. You coming?”

She nodded. She stood and stepped to the window, looking down at the pool and the many guest chairs beckoning.

She turned and was stopped short by the sight of Dylan’s bare chest as he undid the last button and tossed his shirt onto a chair. She hadn’t forgotten he had a heart-stoppingly gorgeous body, but seeing it again had her wanting to tackle him back onto the bed and roll around until his big, strong body dominated hers.

“Something wrong?” he asked, a knowing grin on his face.

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