Dirty Sexy Sinner (Dirty Sexy 4) - Page 22

“It would be rude for the guest of honor to not show up to her own celebration,” she said, trying to keep her voice, and her own convictions, from wavering.

“Then we’d better go before I strip you naked and have my way with you.” He raked his hot gaze down the length of her, taking in the stiff nipples still pebbled against the fabric of her gray top before his bold, shameless eyes met hers again. “I don’t think my brothers would appreciate you walking in late to your own party, looking like you’d just been thoroughly fucked.”

That dirty mouth. Those indecent words. She groaned as her body flushed with desire and reckless temptation beckoned.

“We need to go,” she said, attempting to sound stern. “Now.”

His chuckle was warm and deep and unapologetic as he walked toward the entry, and she followed. He opened the door, and as she passed through, he smacked her ass, hard enough for his handprint to sting through the material of her jeans.

She gasped and whirled around, gaping at him in shock, even as the tingling sensation turned into a slow burn of pleasure. “What was that for?”

He winked at her as a pleased, self-satisfied look crossed his gorgeous features. “Just giving you something to think about until we get back later.”

Chapter Seven

Tara cast a sidelong glance at Jackson as they walked side by side up the cobblestone walkway leading to Clay and Samantha’s front porch. They’d left her house in a playful mood, but the closer they’d gotten to Clay’s, the quieter Jackson had become. He was more subdued than she’d ever seen him, and she wanted to be sure that he was okay before they surprised everyone with his presence.

She lightly touched her fingers to the inside of his forearm, just to let him know that he had someone on his side no matter what happened once they entered the house. She wanted to hold his hand in a show of support, but she wasn’t ready to make that kind of bold statement in front of the Kincaid brothers just yet. It was enough that she was surprising them by bringing Jackson. She didn’t need to complicate matters by flaunting the fact that she was dating him.

“Nervous?” she asked as they climbed the four steps leading to the front door.

“No.” If he was lying, his steady voice gave nothing away, nor did his dark brown eyes when they met her gaze. “Are you?”

“Nope. Not even a little.” She gave him a fearless smile that was an authentic and true reflection of her inner confidence. “I’ve known Clay, Mason, and Levi long enough to have learned that their growl is worse than their bite.”

Jackson arched a dubious brow. “I don’t know about that. Mason seemed pretty damn rabid.”

She laughed but couldn’t disagree. “It’s mostly a defense mechanism. They’re very protective when it comes to each other and the people they care about. Mason is just far more vocal about his approach.”

She gave his arm one last squeeze and rang the doorbell, reminding herself that today’s goal was to give all four of them the push they needed to connect beyond the strangers they were. If she accomplished that small task, she’d chalk it up to a victory.

Tara heard Samantha’s feminine voice, along with Katrina’s and Sarah’s laughter as they approached the entry from the other side of the closed door. When it flew open, they all three shouted in unison, “Happy graduation!”

That animated greeting ebbed into silence as three pairs of eyes shifted to Jackson, standing by Tara’s side. Their changing expressions were almost comical as they stared in shock at Clay’s twin. Samantha’s blue eyes were huge, Katrina’s mouth had fallen open as though she couldn’t find the words to speak, and Sarah blinked a few times as if she were seeing a mirage.

Without missing a beat, a charming smile eased across Jackson’s mouth. “Hi, ladies,” he said, amusement lacing his voice despite the reserve Tara detected in

his body language.

His greeting was simple but effective and snapped all three women out of their stupor. Prim and proper Samantha was the first to react.

“Oh, my God, where are my manners!” she exclaimed apologetically as she opened the door wider for them to enter. “You must be Jackson. Come on in, please.”

“Thank you,” he replied with a polite nod, and followed Tara into the living room.

A sliver of relief allowed Tara to relax a bit. The Kincaid men had obviously told their women about their brother and Clay’s twin. She wasn’t sure what else they’d told the girls, but considering how excited they seemed to meet him, Tara was grateful that at least they were friendly and welcoming.

“It’s so nice to meet you,” Katrina gushed, shaking his hand with genuine warmth. She was the most eccentric one out of the group, with her purple-tipped hair and sleeve of colorful butterfly tattoos covering one arm.

“Yes, finally,” Sarah added just as enthusiastically. “We were just telling the guys that we all wanted to meet you, and here you are. It was so great of Tara to bring you.”

At the mention of Jackson being her guest, Katrina side-eyed Tara with sudden curiosity. Being out of Jackson’s line of sight, the other woman raised a sassy brow that spoke louder than words, how is it that you know Jackson so well that you’re the one to bring him to the party? And what is going on between the two of you?

Tara just smiled, giving nothing away. She had no doubt that Katrina would corner her later, probably along with Samantha and Sarah, to interrogate her when Jackson wasn’t around.

“I can’t get over how much you look like Clay.” Samantha’s creamy complexion blushed as the comment spilled out, and she absently stroked her hand over the small baby bump outlined beneath the cute top she was wearing. “I mean, I know you’re twins, but it’s just so strange to see . . . well, another Clay.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Katrina said, her tone teasing. “I think Jackson might be a better-looking version of Clay.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Dirty Sexy Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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