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Dirty Sexy Cuffed (Dirty Sexy 3)

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He tipped his head to the side, looking adorably boyish instead of like the badass cop he’d just been. “Since you’re now off the clock, care to accompany me out to the ambulance?”

“Sure.” It was the least she could do for him, but before she could slide off the stool, he moved closer, keeping her in place.

“Don’t think you’re off the hook,” he said, his voice low and husky as he slowly dragged his heated gaze from her mouth back up to her eyes. “I haven’t forgotten that you still owe me an answer.”

She’d only known Levi for a few weeks, but it was enough time to realize that he wasn’t a man who missed much or let things go easily, so it didn’t surprise Sarah that he’d given her a little reminder of the date he’d asked her out on. He’d certainly given her a persuasive argument when she’d questioned his interest in her, but did she really want to get involved with Levi, in any way, when she was going to leave Chicago in a few weeks?

The woman who was insanely attracted to him was jumping up and down and yelling, yes! while the more practical, cautious side was quick to remind her that she didn’t need the complication of having any man in her life right now. Her ex, Dylan, was complication enough.

After letting the graveyard shift know that she was leaving, she grabbed her purse and followed Levi outside to the ambulance, where an EMT was waiting for him. Not wanting to get in the way, Sarah stood off to the side while the paramedic asked him to remove his vest and shirt so he could get a better look at the bullet’s point of impact.

Levi took off the utility belt around his waist that held his handcuffs, baton, and other equipment, then removed the heavy outer armor that had protected him from the suspect’s bullet. He unbuttoned his uniform shirt and shrugged it off. Underneath, he wore a navy blue T-shirt, and when he stripped it over his head, Sarah found herself way too captivated with how freaking hot he looked half-naked. He was solidly built with broad shoulders and muscled arms, and his tight, defined abs were testament to regular workouts.

Holy smokes. If she thought he looked sexy and attractive in his uniform, he was devastatingly, breathtakingly gorgeous out of only half of it.

She was in complete and utter awe . . . until her gaze skimmed over the large bruise already forming on his rib cage. The area was swollen and discolored in a combination of red, blue, and purple hues, and when the technician gently touched the contusion, Levi winced and swore low and harsh.

The guy tending to him glanced up at Levi. “I need you to try and take a deep breath.”

Levi attempted to fill his lungs with air but instead expelled an agonizing groan. “Shit, that fucking hurts.”

He grimaced and clenched his jaw, and Sarah felt his pain, along with a jolt of guilt. It was difficult not to feel distressed, since Levi had been shot because he’d stopped by the store to visit her.

“I thought taking off the vest would relieve some of the pressure,” he grumbled, his brows furrowing into a deeper line. “But now it feels worse, and especially when I inhale.”

The EMT frowned. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’ve got a cracked or fractured rib,” he said as he wrapped a blood-pressure cuff around Levi’s upper arm to get his vitals. “But hey, on a positive note, you’re still alive.”

Levi chuckled, but Sarah didn’t find the joke the least bit funny. Especially when he moaned again as he pressed a hand to his side, his features etched in unmistakable pain. She shifted anxiously on her feet, feeling helpless because there was nothing she could do while he was in such obvious misery.

Nick strolled up to the group. “So, is Ironman going to survive?”

“Probably,” the EMT said as he jotted down notes on a form attached to a clipboard. “But we need to take him to the hospital for x-rays and to have a doctor thoroughly examine him, just to make sure there’s nothing going on internally. The impact of the bullet hit pretty close to some vital organs. So, let’s get you up into the ambulance and on your way.”

Sarah’s worry increased, but she bit her bottom lip and remained silent, not wanting her presence to disturb anyone in any way. Levi needed a doctor and she didn’t want to distract anyone from that.

He gave the paramedic a perturbed look. “Do I have to go by ambulance?” he asked, casting a quick glance at Sarah.

She felt her face warm at that direct look. Levi obviously hadn’t forgotten her presence.

After a lingering moment, Levi shifted his gaze back to the paramedic. “Can’t Nick take me to the hospital?”

“No,” the EMT replied with a serious shake of his head. “Your blood pressure is a bit high, and while it’s probably normal considering what you just went through, I want you monitored until you’re under a doctor’s care.”

“Come on, Kincaid,” Nick said in a humorous voice. “Be a big boy and behave.”

Levi gave his partner the finger, and Nick just laughed it off.

When Levi stood up and slowly straightened so he could climb into the back of the ambulance, Sarah made a split-second decision, despite how late at night it was. Not to mention how foolish it was to allow herself to get further emotionally involved with this man.

“Can I go with him?” she asked.

The surprise and genuine pleasure t

hat lit up Levi’s face when he looked at her was well worth her spontaneous request. Then again, it wasn’t as though she had anything or anyone waiting for her back at the motel, so why not spend a few extra hours with the man who’d just saved her life? She justified her rationale, knowing too well her actions weren’t motivated by gratitude as much as concern. Once she was certain he hadn’t suffered any internal injuries, she would head back to her place and try to forget about Levi Kincaid. Try being the operative word.

The EMT shrugged. “Sure, you can come with, as long as the patient doesn’t mind.”

“Nope, I don’t mind at all,” Levi said on a soft, sexy drawl that sent crazy swirls of sensual heat spiraling down through her belly. “Besides, I might need someone to hold my hand while the doctor pokes and prods me.”

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