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Dirty Sexy Inked (Dirty Sexy 2)

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He glanced down at where her tank top molded to her breasts, her nipples now poking hard against the fabric. A sinful smile tugged at the corner of his mouth when he met her gaze again. “That’s good, because I’m not here to talk.”

He took two slow steps toward her, and she instinctively backed up the same amount—and gasped when her ass encountered the wall behind her. Without hesitating, he flattened his palms on either side of her head—just as he’d done last night, right before everything had turned hot and wild between them.

She tried, desperately, not to give in to him like his normal easy conquests. “Then what are you here for?”

He shifted in front of her, deliberately brushing his body against hers, just lightly enough to tease. ?

??I’m here to see if you’re in the mood for a few more orgasms,” he said huskily.

She blinked at him, then laughed softly—which helped to alleviate any last lingering strain between them. And it definitely piqued her interest. “You’re such a sweet-talker, Mase.”

He shrugged. “No sense beating around the bush when it’s something I know we both enjoyed last night.”

She couldn’t deny that, and then she had a thought. “Oh, my God, did you strike out at Hyde?” she asked incredulously.

Something flickered in his gaze, a brief flash of annoyance that he covered just as quickly. “I had offers, but none that appealed to me.”

“And I do?” The thought sent a thrill through her, and caused her entire body to feel warm and liquid.

“Let me test that theory,” he said, his voice underscored with humor as he grabbed her hand and placed it at the crotch of his jeans. With his gaze searing into hers, he curled her fingers around the thick outline of his shaft and shuddered.

“Fuck, yeah, you appeal to me,” he said, a combination of relief and triumph chasing across his gorgeous features as his cock seemingly pulsed against her palm. “And I’m betting if I pushed my fingers between your legs, you’d be wet and slick with an equal amount of desire.”

There was absolutely no way she could deny that claim, so she didn’t even try. “You’re so damned cocky.”

“I am,” he agreed shamelessly as his eyes turned a dark, hot blue and he rubbed her hand harder against his solid erection that had grown to twice its size since she’d first touched him. “Which means you get all the cock you can handle.”

She swallowed hard, her mind spinning. She’d be lying to herself if she said she didn’t want one more night with him. But she also knew that’s all this could be, because she wasn’t the kind of woman who could be his fuck buddy on a regular basis and not let her emotions get in the way. Her feelings for him were already so complicated, and things were going to change between them once they returned to Chicago. They had to, for her own heart and sanity.

But tonight . . . she wanted Mason and all that aggressive dominance that excited her so much. And it was imperative that he understood that tonight would be on her terms.

“I have one condition,” she said, trying her best to think straight when he settled his big, warm hands on her hips and slowly slid them upward, pushing the hem of her tank top up as he went.

“And what’s that?” he asked huskily, his palms stopping at the indentation of her waist.

She nearly moaned as his thumbs lazily grazed her stomach, making her nipples pebble so tight they ached. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” she finally managed to say. “Once we get back to Chicago, no more hooking up. This is it.”

“Agreed,” he said with a nod, then grinned. “It’ll be our dirty little secret.”

“I’m totally on board with dirty.” And she was dying for him to close the distance to her breasts and take them in his hands.

“That makes two of us.” He continued stroking his thumbs around her navel and tipped his head to the side. “You said today that the sex last night was just good.”

“Yes,” she replied, though it wasn’t true. At the time, she’d meant to irritate him and, yes, even deflate his ego a bit, which had worked. Now, she realized it would give him something to aspire to. “It was a solid seven.”

He smirked. “Tonight, we’re not stopping until you scream ten,” he promised, and moved back just a few inches so he could unbutton his black shirt. “Is that understood?”

She shivered at the darker, more assertive tone of his voice. “Are you sure you’re up for that kind of challenge?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely,” he said on a low, fierce growl. “You up for more filthy, hot, rough sex?”

She bit her bottom lip as she watched the front of his shirt gradually open, revealing the broad expanse of his chest and the beginning of his ripped and toned abdomen. Oh, yes, filthy, hot, rough sex with him sounded so decadent. “Yes, please,” she said much too eagerly.

He chuckled as he shrugged out of his shirt and tossed it aside. “Then let the games, and the orgasms, begin.”

Framing her face in his hands, he tipped her head up to his and covered her mouth with his own. Her lips automatically parted beneath the pressure of his, and his tongue swept inside for a devouring kiss. She moaned as he licked at her mouth, as his teeth bit her bottom lip, then he came back for a hotter, deeper invasion. As if he couldn’t get enough of her. As if he’d die if he didn’t keep kissing her.

Needing to touch him, she placed her hands on his hard chest and dragged them downward, using her thumbs to trace the tight, corrugated muscles of his stomach until she reached his jeans. She followed the waistband around to his bare back and skimmed her flattened palms up his spine. She’d seen him with his shirt off plenty of times, but feeling his warm, smooth flesh beneath her hands was a luxury and a treat.

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