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Dirty Sexy Inked (Dirty Sexy 2)

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Realizing just how exposed she’d be, that she’d never been so brazen with another man before, she hesitated.

“Come on, sweetheart,” he cajoled softly, as if sensing her sudden bout of nerves. “Show me that gorgeous pussy. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

He wasn’t demanding, but she couldn’t deny the need she heard in his low, mesmerizing voice. She parted her legs about a foot, not nearly enough for him to appreciate the view he wanted—and maybe this time she was deliberately teasing him, just to see how far she could push Mason before he reverted to that hot alpha male who took control.

It didn’t take long.

“More, Katrina.” This time, he sounded impatient and much more assertive, and she gasped as he placed his palms on her knees and forced them as wide as they would go, shredding every last one of her inhibitions.

Her fingers sank into the couch cushions as he stared at the swollen folds that had parted like a flower for him, pouty lips that glistened with so much dewy moisture. She watched as his big hands slowly slid up the insides of her thighs, and she made a soft, mewling sound in the back of her throat when he reached her sex and brushed the pads of his thumbs along the outer crease, making her desperate to feel his caresses on all that sensitive, throbbing flesh.

“Mason,” she begged frantically. “Please touch me. I need to come so badly.”

Satisfaction gleamed in his blue eyes. “How do you want my mouth and tongue on this pussy, baby?” he asked as he placed a hot, wet kiss on the inside of her thigh and slowly licked his way up to the apex, stopping just short of her core. “Soft and slow, or hard and fast?”

“Both,” she said, unable to choose when her mind was already starting to short-circuit. “I want both.”

“Greedy girl,” he murmured, his breath scalding her seconds before he buried his mouth between her legs and completely obliterated her senses.

He started soft and slow, his tongue lapping the entire length of her sex and curling around her clit with teasing swirls, causing her entire body to arch toward that wicked mouth in a silent plea for harder, deeper friction—even though there was nothing she could do to force him to rush.

With every deliberate lick, every persistent stroke, every dip of his tongue pushing inside of her, he gave her no choice but to take the pleasure he inflicted, at his own sweet pace. It was maddening, breathtaking, and when he slid two fingers deep and rubbed along her inner walls, the overload of sensation had her delirious for release.

Whimpering with need, she shoved her fingers through his hair, shamelessly pulling him closer, and he finally obliged, latching on to that sensitive bundle of nerves and using his teeth and tongue to propel her toward an unbelievable peak. Her entire body jolted with the force of the orgasm surging through her. Her head fell back against the couch and she closed her eyes, crying out his name as a tidal wave of ecstasy crashed over her, leaving her wrecked and overwhelmed from so much sensation.

She felt him move away, and she didn’t know how much time had passed before she was able to lift her head and open her eyes again. He was sitting, completely naked, in the single armchair across from where she was sprawled on the sofa. He’d obviously had enough time to take off all his clothes, and he was clearly way more comfortable in his nudity than she was in hers as he reclined casually, his long, solid legs slightly spread.

He was so gorgeous and hot and magnificently male. His shaft was thick and hard again, curving up against his lower abdomen, and she was shocked to feel a renewed thrum of desire pulse through her at the realization that he wasn’t done with her just yet. At least she hoped he wasn’t.

He tipped his head to the side and gave her a smug smile. “Well?”

She knew what he was waiting for, but she wasn’t about to feed his ego too quickly. “Nine,” she said, and watched as he arched a dark brow at her. “That was definitely a nine.”

He lifted the belt she just realized he’d been holding in his hand and snapped the leather strap, causing her heart to double its beat and a secret thrill to zing through her—proof of just how much she did trust him, especially since she had no idea what he intended to do with that belt. Whatever it was, she knew it would lead to pleasure, not the kind of pain that left scars on her soul or even her body, and that knowledge soothed any unease she might have had.

“A nine,” he drawled, his voice infused with sarcasm. “All right then, let me try harder this time. Get on your hands and knees and crawl over here to me, like the obedient Kitty-Kat I know you can be,” he dared her.

Going down on all fours, she did as he ordered and moved toward him slowly, seductively, her hands and knees moving in sync. She put an extra sway into her hips, and reveled in her own bit of satisfaction when her sensual ploy didn’t go unnoticed by him. By the time she reached Mason and knelt in front of his chair, the heat and hunger burning in his gaze were hot enough to sear her.

“Come up here and straddle my thighs,” he said, his voice sandpaper rough.

She moved up onto the chair, spreading her knees wide apart on either side of his thighs so she was sitting astride his lap. A very small bit of space separated her aching sex from his engorged shaft, but knowing it was oh-so-close made her all the more anxious to feel his cock deep inside her again. He didn’t touch her, and it was pure agony waiting for that initial contact, and where it would be.

“Now you can take off your top so I can see your pretty breasts,” he said as a slow, wicked grin claimed his lips. “And if you’re good, I might even touch them and suck them.”

Oh, yes, please. Without hesitation, she pulled her tank top over her head and dropped it on the floor beside the chair. Completely naked now, she felt her heart beat wildly in her chest. His gaze took in her breasts almost reverently, and beneath his avid stare, her nipples puckered into tight, hard points, begging for his warm, wet mouth. She was already so aroused she had to swallow back a needy moan.

He lifted the belt and slid the leather across his palm, reminding her of its existence. “Put your hands together behind your back.”

And now she knew what he had in mind. Realizing just how vulnerable and defenseless that would make her, she had a

moment of uncertainty as her thoughts tumbled back to the past and that awful night when she’d been so powerless against another man’s calculating intentions.

She must have hesitated too long, because a small, concerned frown marred Mason’s brow. “Do you trust me to make you feel good, Kitty-Kat?” he asked softly.

She swallowed hard. Mason was nothing like Connor and would never manipulate or hurt her—and she hated that another man had instilled that deep-seated fear inside her. She also knew Mason would respect her decision if she didn’t give in to his request, but she wanted so badly to overcome that unpleasant memory, and what better way to do that than to replace it with the kind of pleasure she knew Mason could give her?

She exhaled a deep breath and, along with it, her uncertainties. “Yes, I trust you,” she said, and put her hands together at the base of her spine as proof.

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