Cape Cod Promises (Love on Rockwell Island 2) - Page 85

Just then Didi pushed Chandler’s wheelchair over the crest of the hill. Chandler was clinging to the arms of the chair as it rolled over the bumpy grass. He was dressed in a sweater and slacks, looking far less stoic in the more casual attire. Happier, too, than he had in a very long time.

* * *

THE DIN OF the crowd quieted as Shelley and Quinn stood on the front steps of the café. Shelley looked beautiful in a peach-colored cotton skirt and an off-white sweater, which highlighted her gorgeous, thick dark hair. Quinn gazed at her with pride and love in his eyes.

Reese had closed the gallery during the grand opening and finally spotted Jocelyn across the lawn flirting with some cute guy standing by the coffee table. Trent joined Reese and wrapped an arm around her waist as they waited for Shelley to address the friends who had gathered to wish her well.

“Just got the call,” he said with a big smile. “My partner’s agreed to buy me out. Now I’ll have even more time for us.”

Butterflies took flight in her stomach. He was living up to all of his promises, and every single thing he did was for them. “Are you sure you want to do that?”

“Totally sure. About everything, Reese, especially us.” He pressed his lips to hers just as Shelley began speaking.

“Thank you all for coming out to celebrate the opening of my café. I fell in love with Rockwell Island the moment I set foot on it, and you’ve all made me feel so welcome that I’ve come to love it even more than I ever thought possible. Griffin, Abby, Trent, Derek, Sierra, and Ethan…You have all welcomed me into your family, your homes, and your hearts, and you’ve given so freely of your time and energy to help me renovate the mill and make all of my dreams come true. I can’t thank you enough. And, Taryn, you’re my best friend and I love you like a sister. Without your endless encouragement, I may never have come on my solo honeymoon and discovered not only this amazing island and community, but the love of my life, too. Rest assured, Taryn, I will get you to move here someday!”

Everyone laughed at that and gave Shelley a round of applause. She made her way through the crowd, accepting hugs and kind words, and when she finally joined Reese, Taryn, and the Rockwells, Reese could tell that she was overwhelmed with emotion. Which was exactly the way Reese felt at the moment. She was standing with the man of her dreams, among lifelong and new friends.

“I can’t believe it’s open,” Shelley said. “Three months ago I was living and working in Maryland, and now…”

“Now you’re engaged to the best guy around,” Quinn said as he pulled her against him. “And you have a terrific new café and a cute cottage overlooking the bay.”

“You pretty much live in paradise,” Taryn agreed.

“But I’ll debate the best guy around part,” Reese teased as she snuggled closer to Trent. “I think that title belongs to my man.”

“What am I?” Ethan said on a laugh. “Chopped liver?”

“If that’s what chopped liver looks like,” Taryn said in a very flirtatious tone, “serve it up.”

“You have a boyfriend,” Shelley reminded her.

“Yes, and he’s a really great guy.” Taryn waved a hand in the air. “I was just making an observation.”

“Things on the island always seem to happen fast.” Derek ran a hand through his hair. “Look at Trent and Reese. They didn’t talk for ten years, and now suddenly they’re an item again. My head is still spinning. I just hope that this time it lasts.”

Trent froze next to Reese. And when she looked up at him, his eyes were serious, as if he was ready to give Derek a piece of his mind.

Derek clearly must have seen the same thing in his brother’s eyes, because he said, “I’m sorry, guys. I didn’t mean anything by that. I’m so glad you two are together. I meant it as a joke. Honestly, I didn’t mean to upset either of you.”

“You didn’t upset me,” Reese said. What was she doing, trying to hold herself back from Trent at all? She’d been giving her body wholly to the man she loved but still trying to protect her heart, when it so clearly didn’t need protecting. Not from this man. Not from the one person who had proven that he’d move heaven and earth to be with her after all these years. “In fact, I’m glad you said that, because I want Trent—and everyone he loves—to know exactly how I feel about him.”

She took Trent’s hand in hers, and then she dropped to one knee. All the love she’d held in for ten years came tumbling out. “Trent, there’s no denying our love. We are a whirlwind, and I’m not ashamed of it. Our love is more real than anything I’ve ever known—inescapable and unbreakable.” She was only vaguely aware of the awws coming from the crowd that had gathered around them. “When I’m with you, I’m the happiest girl in the world, and for the first time since I returned to the island, I know I’m exactly where I am supposed to be—where I want to be. Right here by your side—forever. Marry me, Trent. I promise to make you the happiest man in the world. I’ll love you, cherish you, and most of all, communicate with you until you’re sick of hearing my voice. Be mine, Trent. Father my children and love me forever, because I have never stopped loving you.”

Tags: Bella Andre Love on Rockwell Island Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024