Cape Cod Kisses (Love on Rockwell Island 1) - Page 45

When he was done making dinner, he dropped the food off on the boat, then walked to her cottage. The candle he’d given her in the champagne bottle was lit, its flame dancing in the wind as it swept through the screen. Through the window, he saw Shelley come out of the bedroom wearing a navy miniskirt that revealed her long, lean legs. A white sweater with navy trim clung beautifully to her torso. When she bent to put on a pair of sandals, Quinn had to fight the urge to stare as her neckline fell slightly open, revealing the edge of a lacy blue bra.

From the first moment he'd set eyes on her, her beauty stunned him. Even if he saw her every day for the rest of his life, he knew he'd never stop being awestruck, never be able to look at her, or touch her, without his heartbeat kicking into overdrive.

When he finally knocked, he felt more nervous than he had in years. Shelley pulled the door open, and even though he’d just seen her sixty seconds ago through the window, he lost his breath all over again at her incredible beauty. Loose tendrils framed her face, and she wore a little eye makeup, which gave her already sultry eyes a seductive quality.

“Hi,” she said with a smile, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her sweater. It looked like he wasn’t the only nervous one tonight.

He leaned down, intending to kiss her cheek, but she turned her face so that their lips met instead. All day he couldn't stop imagining this—the way her body melted against his, the sweet sounds of her gasps of pleasure, the feel of her hair as he tangled his fingers into it.

It took every last ounce of willpower not to deepen the kiss, pick her up, carry her into the bedroom, and let their desires take over. But he’d promised her a boat ride, and that’s what she was going to get...even though her hands were fisted in the collar of his shirt and she was kissing him like she wanted to tear his clothes off as badly as he wanted to strip off hers.

Her eyes were hazy with desire and more than a little unfocused as she looked up at him.

“It’s really nice to see you again,” she whispered. “I hope I’m dressed okay for our boat ride.”

“You look beautiful.” The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

He loved how her cheeks pinked up at the way he couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was so strong that it magnified the moments when she let her defenses down, and though Quinn knew how incredible they would be together if they chucked in their sailing plans tonight and tangled up her sheets instead, he wanted to get to know her better first. To find out about all the things that had led her to be so spontaneous and strong, while also being warm and forgiving.

“Ready to go?”

“I just need to blow this out first,” she replied as she went to the window. “The candle you gave me is one of the most thoughtful gifts I’ve ever received. Well, other than the Motrin,” she added with a smile. “When I was little I spent a week at the Cape with my aunt each summer, and she used to buy sparkling cider in wine bottles. I’d pretend I was drinking wine while we sat out on her front porch overlooking the bay at night. Each time we finished a bottle, she’d plant a candle in it, just like you did. Thank you for reminding me of such happiness.”

But, yet again, he knew he should be thanking her. Because for the first time in a very long time, he felt happy, too.

Happier than he could ever remember being before.

Chapter Thirteen

LIGHTS OF THE island shone in the distance, and moonlight reflected off of the inky water as they shared the steak dinner Quinn had made, complete with salad, baked potatoes, and a side of vegetables.

“I can’t believe you went to all this trouble.” Shelley had never had a man cook dinner for her before. Knowing how busy Quinn was, that he’d taken the time to prepare such a wonderful meal made it even more special.

“I loved cooking for you. And I love that you actually enjoyed it, too.”

“I really did. It was absolutely delicious.” They put the dishes in the cooler he’d brought and sat together, sharing a glass of wine. “It’s so thrilling being out on the water at night. If I close my eyes, we could be anywhere. In the middle of the Black Sea or off the Florida coast.”

Quinn put an arm around her and pulled her closer. So close that she could feel the heat of his body—and his wonderfully hard muscles—all along her side. “That’s one of the things that drew me to boats in the first place.” He stroked over her shoulder with the pad of his thumb, awakening every cell in her body with need as he said, “Whenever the island felt confining, the open water felt like it had endless possibilities.”

Tags: Bella Andre Love on Rockwell Island Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024