Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4) - Page 2

I straightened my shoulders and shook my head. I was here to do a job, not pick up a stranger. I needed to focus on that.

Glimmering blue eyes rimmed in indigo flashed through my mind. The curl of a sensual mouth half amused, half exasperated was in the forefront of my head.

I ignored them.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, I was in agreement with the stranger, except I would have preferred to punch the face of the man standing across from me, his condescending tone dripping with false politeness as he spoke.

“As I said, there have been some delays with your paperwork.”

“And as I said, I need you to tell me exactly what the problem is so I can rectify it.”

He smiled, running a hand over his slicked-back hair. His jowls moved as he swallowed, his beady eyes overly bright and eager.

He tapped the file in front of him. “So many issues,” he tutted, cocking his head to the side. “Perhaps you should let one of your superiors handle it?”

I had been upset to discover that Milly Johnson wasn’t in the office, but it explained the lack of response I had gotten to my inquiries. Instead, this middle-aged clerk, who was somehow drunk on what he thought was power, was now in charge of the department. Milly and I had had a great working relationship. She knew her stuff and was no-nonsense and direct. And I was very good at my job and rarely missed any required documentation. Our permits and licenses were usually a smooth transaction. Any changes needed were handled quickly so the projects we were working on went ahead. I made sure of it. I took great pride in my job and representing ABC Corp. I had been top of my classes at school, and my “grandfather” Jordan Hayes had taught me well before he retired. I was organized, detail-oriented, and driven. I never allowed my gender to come into play. I was a woman in what was typically still a man’s world, but I refused to let that stop me. My father had instilled that in me, and my mother’s work ethic was part of my makeup.

And now, this little man had mistaken me for a pushover and was trying to hold up my work. I studied him, wondering his endgame. He fiddled with the file, his fingers worrying the edge of the thick folder encasing the papers.

“Superiors?” I repeated.

“Maybe your boss. I could speak directly to him. I’m sure we could come up with a…mutually beneficial solution.”

It hit me. This asshole was actually attempting to bribe the company. He was going to hold up the necessary documentation and extort money before he rubber-stamped the paperwork.

I wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it. He had no idea who he was dealing with.

“Where did you say Milly was?” I asked.

“On leave.”

“Will she be back?”

He shrugged. “Not soon enough to help you with all these problems.” He shook his head as if saddened by the fact. “So many, many issues with this file.”

“But you could help,” I said slowly. “Help resolve the issues,” I added, as if relieved.

A calculating look flashed through his eyes. “I could be persuaded. Off the record, of course.”

“Maybe I don’t have to involve my superiors.” I tapped my chin as if thinking.

His gaze became predatory and I wanted to reach across the counter and use one of my karate moves on him, but I refrained.

“I am sure we could, ah, satisfy each other.”

“I need to make a call. Check my, ah, figures.”

“You do that.”

I stepped over to the window, tapping out a text. I was fuming. I hated assholes like this. Macho, small-dicked assholes who tried to buck the system. I planned to take him down a peg or two.

I was startled as I waited for a reply to my text to see the silver fox walk in the door. He met my gaze, his eyebrows lifting in surprise at seeing me again, while mine did the same at the sight of him. But he ignored me and went to the counter. He asked the asshole I’d been talking to a question, and it was obvious they’d already had dealings. I understood his bad mood earlier. The clerk wiped his hand over his head, shaking it despondently. “As I said, you will have to refile the paperwork and repay the fees.”

“And I told you that was BS. I checked and double-checked everything in my truck. It’s all in order. I want to speak to your manager. Now.”

The clerk sighed. “I am the manager. If you wish to make a complaint, you need to fill out this form.”

The fox grabbed it from him, muttering, “Right. Like that will go anywhere.”

He crossed the room, slamming his file onto the table beside me. He looked over the form. “What a bunch of horseshit.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024