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Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4)

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“Should I kiss it and make it better?” he murmured, his voice raspy.

I lifted my arms, draping them over his shoulders. I slid my fingers into the thick hair that swept the back of his neck. He shivered and pushed closer, his mouth hovering over mine. “I think I need to make sure everything is in working order.”

I pulled him to my mouth. “Yes, yes, you do.”

His lips touched mine, and everything else disappeared.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, dragging me close to his chest as he kissed me. He tasted of coffee and mint, his lips slightly damp and salty from sweat. His tongue stroked along mine, exploring and possessive. He spread his hand wide on my back, his fingers pressing into my skin. He slid his other hand under my ass, lifting me closer. I felt his need pressing into me, driving my own up into a frenzy. Our tongues dueled and fought, retreated, and met again. He groaned low in his throat, and I whimpered as his hand slid closer to my center, the heat pooling and swirling in a whirl of desire. I gripped his neck, tugging on his hair, craving I had never experienced making me crazy.

Until a long, low howl came from the porch, and Hunter startled, stepping back. Our eyes clashed, desire burning. He ran a hand through his hair and cleared his throat. He broke our gaze to look over at Cash, who had somehow wrapped his lead around the broken post column and was trapped half on and half off the porch.

“You crazy mutt, why don’t you ever stay where I put you?” he muttered and headed over to free him.

I slid off the truck end, my legs shaky and breathing uneven. What the hell was I doing kissing Hunter?

Again, a little voice in my head whispered.

I had no idea who this man was. Or why I kept letting him kiss me. I knew better. The man was a stranger and, for all I knew, trespassing.

Reality returned, and I marched over to him. He straightened as I approached, my belt in his hand, Cash lying on the porch, looking happy to be free of it.

“Who are you anyway?” I demanded. “Why are you on Mr. Owens’s property?”

He narrowed his eyes. “I think the question is, why are you on my property?”

“Your property?”

He settled his hands on his hips. “My property. I inherited it from my grandfather.” He glanced in the direction I had come from. “The beach down there is private property as well. Why were you on it?” His narrowed eyes became a fierce glare. “Who the hell are you?”

Mr. Owens had a grandson?

“I’m Ava Callaghan. I knew your grandfather,” I offered, trying to understand.

“Callaghan?” he repeated. A deep frown crossed his face. “You’re her. You’re also one of them.” He shook his head. “The property isn’t for sale. Stop snooping around. Get off it.”

You’re her? What the hell did he mean by that?

“One of them? Snooping around?” I gasped. “I was bringing your dog back to you!”

“Well, you’ve done that, so you can leave now.” He turned his back, clearly dismissing me. His voice had gone from low and warm to furious and cold. His shoulders were stiff with tension, and he walked away. “You’re not welcome here, Ms. Callaghan. Leave my property,” he called over his shoulder. “Don’t come back.”

Furious, I stomped away, not looking back.

What an asshole.

I stopped at the top of the pathway. “If I had known who you were the other day, I wouldn’t have helped you!” I yelled.

“I wouldn’t have let you either,” he snarled back.

“I damn well wouldn’t have kissed you,” I mumbled, somehow knowing that was a lie.

I muttered all the way down the path and across the beach. I was so angry, I did it in record time, not slipping once. When I reached the large rock that jutted out and separated the two coves, I turned, surprised to see Hunter standing on the bluff, watching me.

No doubt to make sure I left and wasn’t snooping around.

What an asshole.

I flipped him the bird and rounded the rock onto the sandy beach.

Obviously, our new neighbor wasn’t going to like us any more than the old one had.

I dismissed the feeling of sadness that welled up inside my chest at the thought.

Chapter 5


Later that afternoon, I went over to my parents’ house. They were on their deck, enjoying the sun. Bentley, Maddox, Emmy, and Dee were with them. Bottles of wine were open, and a large platter of antipasto sat in the middle of the table. The fragrant aroma of the spicy meats and cheeses was too much to resist, and I grabbed a plate and filled it. My dad slid a glass of crisp, delicious Riesling my way, and I sipped it in appreciation.

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