Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4) - Page 13

Dee and my mom shook their heads. “How sad.”

I thought about the way he looked when he was dancing. His smile. How his mouth felt on mine. The way he had fussed over me when he saw the cut on my knee. How incredibly right it had felt to be in his arms. The fact that I doubted I would ever feel that again. I doubted I would ever see him again unless it was as a distant figure on the bluff.

I had to agree—it was sad.

* * *

Sunday morning, I slept in. I gave myself every Sunday to just be Ava. After getting up, I lounged around all day, wandered the beach, and relaxed. I soaked in the huge tub my dad had installed for me, read romance books, and indulged in chocolate, coffee, and watched the water. It was my day to unwind and rejuvenate. Prepare for another week of being a woman in a man’s world and having to be on guard all the time. I left my hair loose, painted my toes, wore frilly blouses and torn jeans, and enjoyed the quiet.

The sky was duller today, but it was still pleasant. I carried a cup of coffee to the beach and sat in a chair on the sand, enjoying the breeze on my face. I waved at Ronan and Beth on their deck, spied a few other people around, but stayed in my little spot close to the rocks. I would see people later. I didn’t venture to the rocky side of the beach. No doubt Hunter would accuse me of spying or some such nonsense. The sun broke through the clouds, its appearance welcome. With a long sigh, I wound my hair into a loose knot, tilted my head up, letting the sounds of the water and the wind wash over me. I enjoyed the quiet and solitude, slowly drifting until the feel of a cold, wet something touched my hand, and I jumped in fright. Sitting beside me on the beach was Cash. His great head was cocked, and he studied me, his tail slowly thumping on the packed sand.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

He inched closer, laying his head on the arm of the chair, looking up at me. Unable to resist, I stroked his fur, running my hand over his neck.

“How did you get out of your collar again?” I murmured.

He issued a low “woof,” and I shook my head.

“I don’t speak dog.” I rolled my eyes. “I suppose your master is going to come for you and accuse me of kidnapping you or some such nonsense.” I pointed in the direction of the bluff. “Home, Cash. Go home now!”

He stared at me, his expression almost comical. He huffed a low whine and flopped on the beach, resting his head on his paws.

“Dammit,” I cursed. “Go see Ronan or my dad. They can take you home.” I’d let them figure out where the dog belonged.

He thumped his tail, not moving.

“Stubborn as your master, I see.”

He exhaled.

“Why does he dislike us? My family, I mean? Well, I guess he dislikes me too, except for the kissing part—” I stopped. “Holy shit,” I muttered. “I’m talking to a dog. His dog, no less.”

I stood. “Come on, boy. I’ll show you the way home.”

With a happy bark, Cash stood, waiting.

“You are such a pain in the ass,” I told him. “Just like your owner.”

I swear he grinned at me.

* * *

Five times I stopped while crossing the rocky beach. I pointed to the bluff where I could see the truck. “Home! Go home!”

Cash would stare at me and sit. If I tried to turn around, he followed me. I was at a loss for what else to do, so I led him to the path up to the bluff.

I pointed. “Go!”

He trotted ahead, and satisfied, I pivoted, planning on heading back to the beach. Cash barked, bounding back down the incline. I dropped my head, huffing in vexation.

I followed him back to the trail and stayed behind him. As soon as he saw Hunter, he’d forget about me. I waited until he was almost at the top, and I stopped, then turned to go.

Cash halted, barking loudly and heading back toward me. I met him partway up the slope.

“Look,” I said, dropping to my haunches. “Your mean master doesn’t want me around. If I show up, he’ll probably throw me off the bluff. Now, go home.” I pointed. “Now.”

Cash licked my face, and I pushed him away. “Again like your master. Licking me. Eww.”

“You weren’t saying ‘eww’ yesterday.” I startled at the sound of Hunter’s low voice. “Unless your moaning was covering it up.”

Cash bounded up the trail, his tail wagging. Hunter looked down at me from the top of the bluff, his arms crossed.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024