Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4) - Page 24

“Why do you need such a large truck?” she asked, eating the last of her spring roll.

“I move around a lot. I carry my tools with me. My life is in there.” I shrugged. “Sometimes I sleep in it when we’re on the move.”

“Does Cash like the truck?”

I chewed a piece of the sizzling beef, swallowing the delicious mouthful.

“I found Cash wandering by the road a few years ago. He was barely more than a pup. He had a limp and was pretty thin—it was obvious he’d been alone for a while. I pulled up beside him, and he came right to me. He had a huge piece of glass stuck in his paw, and it was infected. I found a vet and got him fixed up. He had no collar, no chip, nothing. No dogs like him were reported missing. It was fall, and the vet figured he’d been abandoned.”

“That’s awful,” she whispered, her eyes bright with unshed tears.

“He said it happened a lot. People got a pet for the summer, then when they headed back to their life in the city, they left the dog or cat behind.” I shook my head. “I couldn’t leave him, so I took him with me.” I paused, taking a sip of my beer. “To answer your question, I think Cash associated the truck with me, so he loves it. He knows he’s safe.” I didn’t meet her eyes. “And he is my most loyal constant.”

She regarded me quietly, then laid her hand on mine on the table. “You’re a good man, Hunter Owens.”

“Don’t spread that around.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”

I sat back and regarded the table. We had done a pretty damn good job eating the food. There was lots left, but I was shocked at how much we’d consumed.

“I was hungry,” I commented.

“Me too.”

“I know.”

Jade came and brought us takeout containers, which we filled. She added the extra soup and cleared away the dishes. I crossed my arms on the table and studied Ava. She had more color in her cheeks, and her eyes were brighter.

“I liked watching you eat,” I said.


I nodded. “You’re not pretentious. You enjoyed the food, and you didn’t try to hide it.”

She lifted one shoulder. “Life is too short to deny yourself. Food was an important part of growing up. My father and brothers had voracious appetites. I liked food, and my dad always insisted I eat to enjoy it and fuel my body. Not to deny myself. I work hard and I need it.”

The bill appeared, and before Ava could move, I slid it my way and offered her the plate of orange slices and fortune cookies.

She narrowed her eyes. “We’ll each pay.”

I shocked myself when I shook my head. “Next time. Tonight is my treat. Now take your fortune and read it out loud.”

“Do I have to add ‘in bed’ at the end?”


She chuckled. “My family always adds the words ‘in bed’ at the end. Makes it fun.” She cracked open the cookie and read the small slip of paper.

“You will do amazing things—” she paused with a grin “—in bed.”

I laughed and opened mine.

“You are a great leader—” I lifted my eyebrow and waited “—in bed.”

The air shifted around us, growing warm. I ate the crunchy cookie, and Ava picked up an orange slice, biting into the fruit. A small river of juice ran down her chin, and I had the craziest desire to pull her closer and lick it off, then kiss her until she begged me to stop. Or to take her home.

She laughed and swiped at her chin, slipping her finger into her mouth and licking it off. Our eyes met and locked. I broke open another cookie and spoke.

“Dance with the man across the table.” I swallowed. “In bed.”

Her eyes widened. “That’s not what the cookie says. You didn’t even read it.”

“Because I already know what my fortune is. You. Coming home with me tonight.”

“I don’t do relationships. And you said you don’t do complicated.”

“So, we’ll keep it simple. I want you, Ava. I want to feel you against me.” I leaned closer. “I want you under me. I want to feel how you move with me. You’ve been on my mind since you walked away on Monday.”

Her cheeks flushed, and her breathing picked up. “Birth control,” she whispered. “I’m not on any.”

“My responsibility. I’ll pick it up on the way home.”

“It’s been a while.”

“Me too. All the sweeter when we’re together, Little Dragon.” I dropped my voice. “Say yes. Life is too short to deny yourself,” I said, covering her hand on the table.

She flipped her hand over, our palms smoothing together.


Chapter 8


I followed Ava outside to her SUV, waiting as she opened the door. She looked at me, her hesitancy winning out.

“Don’t change your mind,” I pleaded quietly. “This has been brewing between us since we met. You know it has.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024