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Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4)

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“Just one night,” she whispered.

I had a feeling one night wasn’t going to suffice when it came to her. I didn’t think I could get enough of her, but I nodded in agreement. “Just tonight. Neither of us wants to be alone.”

She still looked torn, and I covered her hand with mine, slowly leaning down, giving her a chance to say no. She edged closer, running her hand up my chest and gripping the material of my T-shirt in her fist. Our lips touched and released. Touched again longer. Harder. I slid my arm around her waist, pulling her close, settling my mouth on hers. I stroked along her bottom lip, groaning as she opened for me. I only meant to kiss her softly, to assure her. But that idea went out the window as soon as our lips melded. I angled my head, kissing her passionately. I stroked my tongue along hers, tasting the sweetness of the cookie and the tartness of the orange. The lingering tang of the wine. The sweetness blending them all together that was Ava. In seconds, I had her pressed against the back passenger door, desire and need overwhelming any common sense I might have used. I wanted closer. I wanted more of her. I wanted fewer clothes and more skin. I wanted to taste her all over and know how different parts of her felt on my tongue.

A car pulling into the lot broke through my lust-filled brain, and I eased back, protecting her from being seen. I dropped a fast kiss to her mouth.

“The door is open to the house. Go there and wait for me. I’ll be right behind you.”

She gazed up at me, her lovely eyes dazed and fogged—this time with the same desire I was feeling.


She slipped into the SUV as I headed to the truck, determined to find the closest drugstore and get to the house not long after her. I didn’t want to give her enough time to change her mind—just the thought of her walking away made my chest ache. I reversed out of the spot and followed Ava, trying not to laugh when she slowed down, putting on her blinker, indicating a small drugstore as we approached the center of town. I flashed my lights at her so she knew I understood and hurried inside to buy what I needed as she drove away.

I was almost giddy over the fact that she now seemed as certain as I was.

It promised to be a good night.

* * *

I pulled up next to her small SUV. She was in the yard, throwing a stick for Cash. He bounded over, his tail wagging back and forth like a pendulum on a clock—fast and steady. I knelt down, stroking his head, running my hands over his thick coat.

“Hey, boy. Relax, just relax.”

He woofed and headed back to Ava. I followed him, stopping in front of her.

“Did you, ah, get it?”

I held up the bag. “Some old lady was behind the counter. I felt like I was fifteen, buying condoms to fool around with my girl in the back seat. She said an awful lot without saying a word.” I smirked.

“That would be old lady Beechmore. She’ll be talking about you in her coffee group tomorrow.”

I stepped closer, easing my arm around her waist. “Oh yeah? And what will she be saying, Ava?”

“She’ll talk all about the sexy stranger dropping in for love gloves. How hot he was with his newly cut hair and his tight jeans.”

I dropped my head to her neck, laughing. “Love gloves?”

“That’s what my dad always called them. Told the boys to always glove up.”

I chuckled, running my lips up her neck, enjoying the shivers. “What else, Little Dragon?” I nipped her ear.

“She’ll tell all the ladies you winked at her. Said if you didn’t have plans already, you’d take her for a turn or two on your drill.”

The amusement she always seemed to bring out in me slipped free, and I laughed, yanking her to my chest. She giggled, and I wrapped her in my arms. She felt right settled against me, her head the perfect fit under my chin. For a moment, I held her, and I felt her loosen and relax.

“Want a drink?” I murmured.


I drew back and cupped her face between my palms. I kissed her slowly. Sweetly. I traced her lips with my tongue and kissed her again. I held my mouth to hers, my lips not moving until I felt the trembling in her lips stop and she sighed, her breath fanning over my skin.

“Stay there,” I instructed, bending over and picking up the bag I had dropped when I embraced her.

In the house, I turned on a lamp beside the bed. The room was empty aside from the night table, a small dresser in the corner, and the bed. I was grateful for the new mattress and sheets. I would break them both in right.

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