Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4) - Page 30

“I woke up and you were gone,” he said simply.

“I wanted to come enjoy the view.”

“Wake me up next time.” There was a pause. “I didn’t like it.”

His words surprised me. Next time spoke of a future. One he said we didn’t have. One I had told him I didn’t expect.

“Okay,” was all I said.

He reached around, taking my coffee cup and draining it. His long legs extended beyond mine, the heat of him soaking through the afghan and into my back.

“It’s like you’re all alone up here,” I commented. “No one for miles.”

“I know. Great privacy.” He dropped his head to my neck, his mouth hot on my skin. “No one can see anything here.”

My breathing became shallow as he tugged away the blanket and pulled aside the neck of the T-shirt. His tongue traced a path up my neck, swirling in long, slow circles behind my ear, making me shiver. He slid a hand under the shirt, cupping my breast and rolling my nipple between his fingers.

“Just us,” he murmured.

“And your dog,” I uttered.

“He’s gone.”

I glanced to the side to see Cash had left. He was rolling in the grass farther away, ignoring us.

“Ah,” I croaked, gasping as Hunter pinched my nipple, then slid his other hand inside the shirt, mimicking the action. He stroked and teased, worshiping my neck with his tongue, playing with my breasts. I squirmed against him, feeling his arousal pressing on my back. He hooked his legs underneath mine, spreading them wide. The cool air hit me, and I whimpered as he glided his fingers along my legs.

“I woke up hard and ready for you, Little Dragon. We’re all alone up here. You gonna give me what I want?”

“What do you want?” I gasped as he delved between my legs, stroking my clit in light, unhurried passes.

“I want to take you here. Outside. I want to watch you ride my cock with the vast expanse behind you and my hands and mouth all over you. I want to watch you come and hear you shout my name into the wind.”

I shivered, moaning as he touched me. I bucked up, wanting more. Needing him to touch me harder. Fill me. He laughed lightly in my ear. “Not until you say yes.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” I chanted.

He showed his strength in the ease with which he lifted me, shifting me around so we were nose-to-nose. My legs wrapped around his waist. His already-sheathed cock nestled against me.

“All prepared, were you?” I teased.

“The Boy Scout in me.”

“Why doesn’t the Boy Scout get in me, then?”

He lifted me, and for a moment, our gazes locked. The fire was back, icy and hot. His eyes fluttered shut as I grasped him, guiding him inside. We both groaned as I sank down on him, the fullness welcome, his hands gripping my hips.

I grasped his shoulders, moving slowly. Taking him in, withdrawing and sliding back to the hilt. He cursed and groaned, his gaze flickering to where we were joined then back to my face.

“I’ve never seen anything so sexy,” he growled. “Ride me hard, Little Dragon. Take me.”

I leaned back, resting my hands on his hard thighs, and did exactly what he asked. He spread his hands wide on my back, sucking my nipples through the T-shirt as I rode him. I let my head fall back, my hair brushing his legs. Upside down, the horizon bobbed and moved. Pleasure built, narrowing down to the point where we were joined. I ached with the need to come, to find my release. It was a low, slow fire building, threatening to consume me. He suddenly jerked me to him, burying his face in my neck, his thrusts hard and powerful. I exploded, shaking and crying his name. His body was taut, his muscles granite under my hands as he groaned, swelling inside me and releasing. He held me so tightly I wondered if he’d leave bruises, then he shuddered and stilled, his grip never lessening.

For moments, we stayed locked together. Around us, the world returned to normal. The breeze ruffled our hair, the sun warmed our skin. He stroked his hands up and down my back. He turned his head, kissing my cheek, pulling back to cup my face and kiss me. His touch was gentle, his mouth soft as he held me and said a thousand words without speaking.

“Spend the day with me. Just us.”

I nestled closer. “Yes.”

* * *

For the second time in less than a day, I found myself in a shower with Hunter. He soaped my body, making sure I was very clean.

“I wasn’t aware my breasts were that dirty,” I mumbled, watching his large hands cup and lather them repeatedly.

“Oh, they are. So, so dirty,” he assured me. “All of you needs a good scrubbing.”

“Is that a fact?”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024