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Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4)

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He laughed, kissing the end of my nose in a surprisingly affectionate gesture. When he decided I was clean enough, he soaped himself up as I rinsed off, watching him discreetly. He handled his powerful body with ease, gliding the soap over his skin and scrubbing his head roughly with the shampoo. He was fascinating to watch—the way his muscles rippled, the flex of his arms, the tight band of strength that stretched over his back. His butt was sculpted, and the two dimples I had discovered last night were deeply embedded above the tight buttocks. He had a matching pair at the base of his neck. I reached over, trailing my fingers up his skin, loving his instant reaction to my touch. He turned with a frown, trying to look stern and failing.

“Don’t start something we can’t finish, Little Dragon. You must be sore.”

His eyes widened as I dropped to my knees in front of him, running my hands up his thighs. “The question is, Hunter, how sore are you?” I pressed a kiss to his half-erect cock, unable to stop my smirk as it stiffened and lengthened. “I think I need to inspect the goods. Kiss it better if needed.”

“You look so good on your knees in front of me,” he said, cupping my chin. “I shouldn’t like it so much.”

“Neither should I,” I admitted. I had never minded giving blow jobs and my partners had never complained, but with Hunter, it felt different. More intimate. I felt a power with him I had never experienced before.

He groaned as I engulfed him in my mouth. “Inspect him well, Ava,” he grunted, weaving his hands into my hair. “He’s had a hard morning.”

With a wink, I gave him what he wanted. It didn’t take long—I loved the feel of him in my mouth, and his cock apparently agreed. He leaned against the old tile wall, gasping and looking shell-shocked. I rose to my feet, rinsed off, and stepped out of the shower. I peeked over my shoulder to find him watching me, his silvery eyes narrowed and intense.

“Wherever you learned that, I don’t want to know,” he said, his voice low. “But you are amazing.” He shook his head, turning to the water, muttering under his breath about unexpected and not the plan.

I shrugged, pleased. Then for fun, I reached behind him and turned off the hot water.

I was out of the small bathroom before he started to yell.

* * *

He came into the kitchen wearing jeans and a T-shirt. I glanced down at the clothes I had on from yesterday, and he smirked, lifting an eyebrow. I ignored him, making another pot of coffee. He reached into the freezer and pulled out the bag of scones I had noticed earlier and popped a couple into the old toaster.

“You have to watch this one,” he said. “One second, it’s fine. The next, your bread is on fire. These scones are too delicious to waste.”

“My aunt Emmy makes awesome scones. Where did you get yours?”

He frowned. “From her. They were in the massive care package the ladies brought with them.”

I gaped at him. “What? What ladies?”

He frowned and sat across from me, stacking up some of the files to make room for the plate he was carrying. “Your mother and aunts. Your grandmother too, I think?”

“When were they here?”

He looked startled. “You didn’t know? They showed up Monday after I got home.” He snorted. “Came in, decided I needed food and company, so they made coffee and stayed. They never told you?”

I shook my head. “I saw my mom on Wednesday, but she never mentioned it.”

“Huh. I thought she’d tell you. How come you only saw her Wednesday—you all live in some sort of commune, don’t you?”

I laughed at his description. “BAM owns all the land over there, yes. Many of us live there. Some have a place they crash on occasion. Others use it as a holiday spot. But it’s not a commune.” I paused. “Well, I suppose it is in many ways. But we all live our lives. We’re not in one another’s back pockets. We have family brunches once a month, and we are pretty tight, but we go our own way most of the time. I often only see my parents on Sundays at the Hub.”

“The Hub?”

“It’s like a rec center. There are too many of us to gather in anyone’s house. There’s a big kitchen and a massive living area. Downstairs, we have games and a gym. There’s a pool and a little library. Sundays, the parents usually gather for coffee. I join them once I wake up.” I paused and sipped my coffee. “I like to sleep in on Sundays. It’s sort of the one day I keep to myself.”

“What do you do once you get up?”

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