Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4) - Page 64

“I worry about her. The responsibilities she carries,” I admitted, unable to keep the words to myself.

“Addi is hiring someone to help her. And she plans on getting a third person in to take off more of the load.” He met my gaze. “We aren’t as blind as you think.”


He stood, brushing off his pants. “Lemme help you install a couple of those railings. You can add the posts by yourself later.”

I hesitated and he laughed. “Wow, you are a tough nut to crack. Just like your grandfather. Accept the help, Hunter.”

Grudgingly, I stood. “Fine.”

We worked in companionable silence, the railings going up fast. His phone went off, and he checked the screen. “Shit, I gotta go.”

“Thanks for your help.”

“No problem. I love working with my hands and enjoy the chance to be outside.”

He headed toward his truck, stopping and turning around.



“Worrying about Ava. Seeing her.”

I shrugged, unsure how to answer.

“I wonder if you realize how blind you are, though,” he mused. “You might want to think about that.”

Then he left, his words making me frown.

What the hell did he mean?

* * *

I got a text from Ava around nine. We had finally exchanged numbers a few days prior, but this was the first time she had used the digits.

Ava: Drinking with the girls.

Hunter: Are you drunk?

Ava: I can’t feel my toes.

Hunter: I’ll take that as a yes. Be safe, Little Dragon. Have fun.

Ava: I like it when you call me that.

Hunter: I like calling you Little Dragon.

Ava: Sleeping at Addi’s.

Hunter: Good.

I smiled as I rummaged in the fridge to find something to eat. I was glad she was with her family and having fun, although part of me was disappointed I wouldn’t see her.

My phone buzzed.

Ava: When I’m drunk, I get horny.

Hunter: Good to know.

Ava: I’m drunk.

Hunter: LOL. So, you’re horny? I can’t help you.

Ava: Dammit.

Hunter: I’ll make it up.

Ava: Good. Will you do that thing with your tongue? I really like that.

I burst out laughing.

Hunter: Whatever you want.

Ava: I want that. I want you. Your big cock inside me and your mouth on mine.

Hunter: And my tongue doing that thing?

Ava: Yes.

I had to adjust myself at the thought of being inside her. We fit each other well. In fact, she was perfect around me.

Hunter: Tomorrow, Little Dragon. Tomorrow, I’ll be all over you. As long as you’re not hungover.

Ava: I’m wet, Hunter.

I dropped my head, shaking it and groaning.

Hunter: Jesus.

Ava: I want you. I want you all the time.

Hunter: I can’t show up at Addi’s for a booty call.

Ava: She wouldn’t mind.

Once again, I began to laugh. She was incorrigible. But I sobered at her next message.

Ava: I had a bad day.

Hunter: Why?

Ava: Another asshole. He called me a C U Next Tuesday. I hate that word.

Hunter: Give me his name.

Ava: No.

Hunter: Give me his name, and I’ll get Ronan and we’ll pay him a visit.

Ava: I love that you and my bros are buddies.

Hunter: Name.

Ava: It’s fine. The girls and I are drinking the day away.

I drummed my fingers on the counter, the rage inside me shocking. I wanted to find this idiot who upset her and teach him a lesson. Drive my fist into his face and wipe the no doubt superior smile off it. He needed someone to teach him some manners.

I was glad that Ava was with people who cared about her, although a huge part of me wanted to trudge through the trees and knock on every door there until I found out which house was Addi’s and bring Ava back here with me. I’d make her forget about that asshole. I’d make her forget about everything but me. Us. Our bodies moving together, slick with sweat and desire. My cock buried so deep inside her, she’d feel it for days.

I shook my head. What was it about this woman that made me want to protect her? To say to hell with everything and everybody and go find her? I wanted to wrap her in my arms and hold her until the distress faded. Kiss her until she forgot about the day. Be the one who made her feel better.

I looked down at the screen, seeing she had sent another message.

Ava: I’m fine—really. I shouldn’t have said anything. Having fun. You sleep well. I’ll see you soon. Night.

I smiled grimly as I replied.

Hunter: Count on it.

* * *


I walked home in the early dawn, enjoying the fresh air. My head ached a little, but otherwise, I felt fine. Maybe a little tired. I ran a hand through my damp hair. I’d grabbed a shower at Addi’s and wore the T-shirt Brayden had loaned me, plus a pair of Addi’s leggings after I spilled wine on myself. I carried my soiled clothes under my arm. Thank goodness for favorite cousins who lived close. I approached my little house tucked up against the backdrop of the towering trees. I’d left my car in the driveway, planning on going to Hunter’s later, when Addi pulled up and told me to get in the car and took me to her house. There Gracie, Heather, Paige, and Beth waited, bottles of wine open and my favorite Chinese takeout on the table.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024