Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4) - Page 77

Before I could move, Ronan and Liam were headed toward him, slapping his back, taking the beer, and unclipping the lead on Cash’s collar. My feet moved of their own accord, and I stopped in front of him.

“You came,” I breathed out, crouching down to stroke Cash.

Hunter smiled and knelt beside me. “I did.” He glanced toward the group behind me. “I might already be regretting it.”

“Don’t,” I pleaded. “Come meet them. Have something to eat. A swim. It’ll be fun. I promise.”

I was shocked when he held out his hand, taking mine and squeezing it. “Okay, Little Dragon. I’m holding you to that.”

We stood and headed toward my family.

* * *


I had no idea why I decided to come. All I knew was I wanted to be where she was—wherever that was. Before I could change my mind, I put on some decent shorts and an unwrinkled shirt, grabbed the unopened case of Creemore, and snapped on Cash’s lead. As I wound my way down the path to her house, my feet never paused. Whether that was because Cash was pulling me along as fast as he could go or because I was as anxious as he was, I didn’t know. At her place, I skirted the house and stopped in the front, for the first time hesitating. I wondered how her family would react. How I would react to them. It wasn’t hard to find the party once I was close. I could smell the food, hear the laughter. I rounded the corner, approaching the pool, the large building behind it open and filled with Ava’s family. I spotted her immediately, getting a drink from a glass jug. I tried not to laugh at her outfit. A gray T-shirt and long shorts looked effortlessly sexy on her and matched mine. Her hair was tucked under a hat, and she wore sunglasses. Someone spotted me, and there was a lull in the conversations as the group stared. For a moment, nothing happened, then Liam and Ronan broke away and came over to greet me. They were friendly and welcoming, but I only had eyes for the beautiful brunette headed my way. Her brothers relieved me of the Creemore and unclipped Cash’s lead.

“He’s safe here,” Ronan assured me. “And welcome.” He slapped me on the back. “As are you.”

Ava came over and kneeled in front of Cash, giving him the affection he loved from her.

“You came,” she whispered.

“I did.”

Part of me was already regretting it, but she asked me to stay even for a little while, and I couldn’t say no to her. As we headed toward her family, I wondered if that would ever change.

Up close, her father and uncles were a scary lot. But their handshakes were firm and their smiles friendly.

Ava introduced me simply as Hunter Owens. “Our new neighbor for the time being. I thought he might enjoy a day away from all the work he’s doing up at the house.”

Bentley Ridge nodded. “I hear you’ve been busy.”

“Yes, I have,” I agreed.

“Great view from that angle,” Maddox Riley stated. “Peaceful and private.”

“Just how I like it,” I replied.

Aiden, Ava’s father, grinned at me. “Your grandfather liked to chase me off his property with a shotgun.”

“I’ve heard. It wasn’t loaded.” I laughed. “Even if it had been, I doubt he could have hit the side of a barn at fifty paces. His eyesight was for shit.” At least that was what his lawyer had told me.

That made everyone laugh, and I felt as if I had passed some sort of test.

I was hugged by the women I had already met, plus a few new ones to add to the confusion. I lost count of the names and relationships—who belonged to whom, kids, grandkids, cousins—it was all a blur.

It took me a while to figure out why people were grinning until I realized I was still holding Ava’s hand, mine wrapped tightly around hers, gripping it hard.

Cami smiled, her kindness hard to resist. “There are some munchies out. The real food will be about another hour or more. Help yourself.”

I let Ava drag me to the table, and I reluctantly released her hand so she could fill a plate.

“I thought these were munchies?” I asked, eyeing the towering plate. It was overflowing with sticky ribs, chicken strips, stuffed mushrooms, steak bites, spicy sausage slices, as well as cheese, crackers, dips, and veggies.

“They are. We can share.” She led us to one of the many tables, where Liam, Ronan, and their wives waited. Ronan pushed a beer toward me.

“You probably need this.”

I accepted it gratefully, swallowing the cold brew. I dared to glance around, surprised to see I wasn’t being stared at—at least not openly. I was sure I was being discussed, but I felt comfortable at this table. I saw Cash with a few of the guys, playing frisbee, catching and returning it, in his glory.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024