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Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4)

Page 78

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“He’ll end up in the pool,” I said dryly, tucking into the delicious repast in front of me.

“No worries. It’s all good,” Liam assured me.

“No other dogs here?”

“At times, we’ve had hamsters, fish, dogs, cats, even a goat once,” Ava explained. “Reid and Becca still have a couple of cats. Van’s dog died about three years ago. He’s never had the heart to get another one. So, right now, Cash is on his own.”

I laughed. “And loving it.”

I finished the last item on the plate, and Ava began to get up. I placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll get it, Little Dragon. I didn’t come here for you to wait on me.”

I headed to the table and began filling the plate again. I was going to need to run or swim before I could eat again, but I didn’t care. Everything was delicious.

A large shadow appeared beside me, and I met the gaze of Ava’s father. I noticed his different colored eyes, the green and brown irises bright in his face. I had observed Cami’s bright-green gaze the first time I met her. I could see how Ava got such unusual eyes now.

He regarded me steadily. “Can I get you anything?” he asked.

“No, sir. This is an amazing feast. I appreciate the invitation.”

“My wife likes you.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. “Ah.”

“Ronan and Liam say you’re very talented. Lots of construction experience.”

“Yes, I’ve done it for a lot of years.”

“They seem to like you as well. They’ve mentioned you often.”

“They’ve been very kind, helping me at times.”

“Ava invited you over today?”

“Ah, yes?” I said, my reply sounding more like a question.

“Oddly enough, Ava has never mentioned you to me. Not directly. I wasn’t aware of your, ah, friendship until a short while ago.”

I felt the back of my neck prickle. “Oh,” I managed to croak out. “She helped me at city hall. We’ve run into each other a few times, and she’s been very neighborly.”

“Neighborly,” he repeated. “Is that what they’re calling it these days? Huh.”

The prickle became an irritating itch. I had to stop myself from rubbing the back of my neck to relieve the tic.

“Her silence says more than words, Hunter.” He smiled at me, his hand on my shoulder. “I love my daughter.”

“I’m sure you do. She is a great friend.”

He nodded slowly. “Friend.” Then a grin crossed his face. “You know, I heard history repeats itself. This is just too funny.” His slaps to my shoulder were heavy. “Too fucking funny. I’m going to like this. Enjoy the food. Plenty more to come.” He walked away, shaking his head. He stopped and murmured to his wife, who also chuckled, then slapped his hand. He rejoined the men at the circle of barbecues and smokers and said something. They all laughed raucously, and I had a feeling it was directly to do with me. I returned to the table with another plate of food.

“What did my dad say to you?” Ava asked, looking anxious.

“I’m not sure. Except he made my neck sweat, and I have a feeling it’s not over.”

Ronan heard me and laughed. “He does that. Ignore him. Dad loves to tease.”

I forced a grin and picked up another rib. I had a feeling it was just beginning.

* * *

A strange feeling followed me all afternoon. The fact that my presence made Ava so happy somehow made me happy. Between the munchies and the late lunch, we took a walk, and Ava showed me the property. The houses were well-built, the land used wisely. None of them was showy or ostentatious but built with natural elements—lots of stone and wood on them, fitting into the background. A few were larger, but most were an average size. The Hub was impressive, as was their rec center. I smiled at the golf carts I saw being driven around, picking up food to take to the barbecue. From their beach, you couldn’t see my place, but Ava showed me the rocky cove that separated us and the steep path she’d taken the first day to bring Cash to me. I could see why she preferred using the longer but easier path through the woods. You could see the house was there, but the trees protected it from a full view. I took complete advantage of the fact that we were finally out of sight of her family, and I dragged her into my arms, kissing her until the need that buzzed under my skin settled and she was breathless. I knocked off her hat, her hair spilling over her shoulders. I buried my hands in it, kissing her again, drinking in her sweetness.

“I still can’t believe you’re here,” she murmured against my mouth.

“I couldn’t stay away,” I admitted.


“The barbecue smelled too good to resist,” I teased. “I was hungry.”

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