Vic Vaughn is Vicious - Page 28

“How do you mistakenly kidnap a child, Vicious?”

“Mooom,” Vivi whines. “Don’t be mad. I went across the street and then we got donuts. And coffee. And went an art show. Ohh! And the tattoo reunion with the donkeys and the jackalope hotdogs! And then I played with Gramps all afternoon until we went to the swap meet in the dragon bike.” She smiles up at me like this was the best day of her stinking life.

I am livid. “So you really did take her to an AA meeting?”

Vic sighs, throws up his hands. “We just wanted the donuts.”

Another set of headlights pulls into the parking lot and we all turn to look at the window.

“That’s the social worker,” the sheriff says. “Now we can get this show on the road.” He gets a clipboard, clicks his pen, and then looks at me with a smile. And that smile says… You had your chance to tell me the truth, young lady. Now it’s gonna get messy.

I meet the sheriff’s gaze. “I am a good mother.”

“I have no doubt, Miss Lundin. On most days, you are probably an excellent mother. But today, your judgment slipped in a very big way.”

Another car pulls into the parking lot. “Is that a limo?” the deputy asks.

“Oop!” Spencer says. “Our lawyer is here.” He claps Vic on the back.

We all watch as the lawyer and the social worker meet up in the parking lot and appear to have some kind of preliminary conversation.

“What are they talking about?” I ask.

“I’m not sure,” the sheriff says. “But I’ll be right back.”

He leaves and the deputy goes with him, so then it’s just me, Carla, Vivi, Vic, and Spencer.

Vic puts up his hands, like he’s surrendering. “I’m not trying to make trouble for you, but this was an honest mistake. If you would like a full explanation, I will fill you in at a later date. And when I do that, you can explain to me why you kept my daughter a secret from me for six years.”

I gasp. “You did not just say that out loud.”

“Oh, I did. I remember you now.” He squints his eyes at me again. “Peep.”

“I was a freaking milkmaid! How many times did I have to tell you that? You have some nerve, buddy!”

“Me?” He scoffs. Spencer looks uncomfortable. Carla says nothing. Vivi is still looking at Vic like he’s her hero. He shakes his head.

Suddenly, the people in the parking lot are arguing. Actually, it’s the sheriff who is arguing. With the social worker. Who is getting back in her car.

“What the hell is happening?” Carla asks.

“My lawyer is happening,” Vic says. “And trust me when I tell you this, you do not want to cross this man. He takes his job of protecting my rights very seriously.”

“Is that a threat?”

“Daisy,” Spencer says.

“What?” I snap back.

“Don’t say anything else. We don’t know what just happened, but we’re all gonna go home tonight and sleep in our own beds. And there will be no CPS report. Do you understand me?”

“What are you people? Mob or something?” Carla asks. “I know the Ameci men—”

“Trust me,” Spencer says. “We know the Ameci men too. We are not Mob. We are something else entirely.”

“You’re threatening us,” Carla says.

“We are not,” Vic insists.

“We’re telling you to be smart and let us handle this little misunderstanding,” Spencer adds. “Now stop talking. And I mean that in a very literal, legal way.”

The sheriff, the deputy, and the lawyer all come back inside. The sheriff and the deputy go back behind the postal counter, but the lawyer walks straight up to Vic. “Vicious, nice to meet you. I’m Alec Steele. Ford called me.” He’s looking at the sheriff when he says this last part.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” the sheriff says. “Are you kidding me?”

“Why?” I ask. “Who is this Ford person?”

“Don’t ask,” the deputy says.

“Just another local criminal,” the sheriff says.

“Come on, Scott,” Spencer says. “Get over it. Bygones, man.”

I look over at Spencer and he puts a finger up to his lips, reminding me to zip it.

I shut up.

“Daisy,” Alec Steele says. “Nice to meet you. I’m happy to be representing you and Vicious tonight.”

“What?” Pretty much everyone in the room says that.

“She’s my client now, Sheriff. And I think we’ve all had enough tonight, wouldn’t you agree, Daisy?”

I nod my head.

“Perfect. No charges will be filed, correct, Sheriff?”

He throws up his hands. “You guys are all the same.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Then Alec looks down at Vivi. “Well, you went on quite an adventure today, didn’t you little lady?”

Vivi nods enthusiastically. “It was the best day ever.”

Alec smiles. This is exactly what he wanted to hear. “OK.” He claps his hands together. “So we’re all set here?”

The sheriff just waves at us. “Get out of my station.”

Tags: J.A. Huss Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024