Vic Vaughn is Vicious - Page 66

But his fingers are like magic as they stroke me. Pushing and drawing back. Making me wet for him. He kisses his way between my cheeks, spreading me open as his tongue licks me in all the right places.

I’m close. I know I’m close. But I do not want to come first. I want us to come together and I want to look him in the eyes when I do that. There’s not a lot of light in the room, but there’s enough filtering in from the outside for this. So I turn over.

“Done already?” Vic asks.

“Not even close,” I joke back. “I just want to be on top of you.”

He doesn’t object when I push him back into the pillows and then swing myself over so I’m straddling his thighs. Then I lean down, palms flat on his chest, long hair sweeping over him as I lower my mouth to his, and we kiss.

This is no ordinary kiss. Filled with mistakes and regrets, yes. But also, it’s a promise of something new and different.

I lift my hips up just enough for him to slide his cock between my legs and place it up against my entrance. Then I slide down, allowing him to fill me up.

I nearly forget why I wanted to be on top and close my eyes. But I catch myself just in time.

Vic made no such internal promise, so I watch him as he lets go and his lids, already heavy with lust, fall closed and he sighs.

This is not a dirty fuck. It’s not fast, it’s not urgent, and it’s not hard.

Everything about us tonight is slow, and soft, and careful.

It’s the type of fuck only true lovers do.

It’s the new us.


I wake slowly in the morning. Daisy is in my dreams and then she is the first thing I both think about and see when I pull myself up from a deep slumber. Her face is angelic, her blonde hair spread out on the pillow behind her with long, wild locks tumbling over her cheeks. Her breathing is slow and even, so I know she’s still asleep.

Then I glance over and see Vivi standing at the side of the bed, smiling at me.

“What’s that look for?” My voice is rough and scratchy the way it always is in the morning.

Vivi shrugs, then sighs and whispers, “I knew you would love her.”

I do love her. But I don’t want to wake her if she’s still tired. “Meet me in the kitch, daughter. Let’s make your mom some breakfast.”

Vivi smiles bigger, approving of my idea. Then she turns and skips away, through the bedroom door and down the hall.

I get up and pull my jeans on, wondering how the hell I ever got so lucky. I’m in love with these girls. It’s a life-changing kind of love and I cannot even imagine going back to the life I was living eight days ago.

What purpose did I have? What did I even do all day? And how did I not notice that my life was completely empty until Daisy and Vivian came along?

I guess it’s one of those cases of you don’t know what you don’t know. I had no clue that I was aimlessly wandering through life wearing blinders.

Daisy turns over and hums a little. I walk over to her, lean down, and kiss her cheek.

“Hmm,” she says again, her hand coming up to cup my cheek as she sighs.

“You awake? Or you gonna sleep in?”

“Sleep in? What’s that?” She peeks at me from one half-open eye. “I don’t even remember the last time I slept in.”

“Today is your lucky day, Daisy Lundin. It’s breakfast in bed for you.”

“Get out of here.”

“Hey, I’m just thinking. I’ve missed six Mother’s Days. I need to catch up.” Then I kiss her again. “Go back to sleep. I can handle breakfast, I promise.”

I can tell she wants to fight about this. At the very least, she wants to pretend to protest. But my offer is powerful. And she must truly be tired, because she nods back off as I watch.

I shake my head and smile, then leave the room, closing the door behind me so we won’t wake her up with kitch happenings.

When I walk into the kitchen Vivian is climbing across the counters, peeking into a cupboard. I grab her by the waist and swing her down. “What are you doing?”

“Looking for cereal,” she squeals.

“Cereal? Nah. That’s for amateurs. We need a real breakfast.”

“Like the Pancake House?”

“No. I’m pretty sure your mom eats at the Pancake House regularly.” I open her fridge and find… “Well, fuck. It’s all healthy shit.”

Vivi laughs. “That Pancake House isn’t looking so bad now, is it?”

“Eggs whites in a carton? Turkey bacon?” I shoot Viv the one-eyebrow raise. She does it right back to me, reminding me, again, that she is my offspring. “No one actually eats turkey bacon. Do you eat this shit?”

Tags: J.A. Huss Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024