The Casanova (The Miles High Club 3) - Page 48

The kitchen is white and modern and I look around. “Wow . . . This is beautiful.”

“Who cares about my house, let’s talk about the coffee.” He bends and bites my bare shoulder.

I giggle. “Okay . . . we could do that.”

His eyes rise to mine. “How do you like it?” His hair is messed up and his eyes are wild.

“My coffee?”

“Yeah.” He smiles and drops his lips to my breast and nips me through my dress.

“Ow . . .” I giggle.

“Cappuccino, long white, short black . . .” He whispers as he goes through the options.

“Straight up sounds pretty good.”

He drags my hips toward him in one sharp movement, spreads my legs a little further, and slides his hands up my bare thighs. “Risky,” he murmurs as his eyes follow his hands.

“Risky?” I whisper as his thumbs dust my sex through my panties.

His eyes darken. “Easy to get injured with a straight up.”

We stare at each other as the air crackles between us. “Well, what do you suggest . . . to lessen the risk.”

His fingers move in a circle. “Sugar.”

“Sugar,” I whisper as his fingers slip under the leg of my panties; he circles them through my wet lips and my insides begin to quiver.

“Sugar always helps with a straight up.” He slides a finger in deep and we both inhale sharply as we stare at each other, his jaw ticking as he clenches it. “Especially if the cup is so tight and small.” He slides another finger in and we let out a collective gasp.

His lips take mine as he kisses me. My legs are wide and his strong fingers begin to work me.

With every lash of his tongue, his fingers get stronger and I can hardly keep my eyes open. The sound of my arousal sucking him in echoes around the room. “This is excellent coffee,” I whisper, my hands in his hair.

He smiles. “This is sugar . . . coffee . . .” His eyes flutter closed as he temporarily loses control. “Fuck. Coffee is close.”

“Percolated,” I breathe.

“Plunger,” he hisses. He adds another strong finger at piston pace with a twist at the end, and I begin to shudder.

Yessss . . . this is good.

It’s embarrassing how quickly this man can make me come.

I grab his head in my hands and kiss him with everything that I have. “You better deliver that coffee right now, before I spill it on the floor.”

“Fucking hold it,” he whispers against my lips. “This cup, I’m drinking.”

I struggle to control my breathing, my arousal at fever pitch.

He scoops me off the countertop and carries me up the stairs; he’s so strong, and I cling to him for dear life. He marches down the hall and kicks open the door, and in one sharp movement he takes my dress off over my head.

I stand before him in my black strapless bra and panties, and he smiles as his eyes drop down to my toes. When they rise to meet mine, they’re blazing with desire.

He undoes my bra and throws it to the side, and then slides my panties down my legs and kisses my sex before he rises.

“Get on my bed and spread your legs for me,” he whispers darkly, his fists clenched at his sides.

I’ve never been with such a sexual creature. Never wanted to please someone so much.

I lie on the bed and, feeling brave, I spread my legs.

His eyes roam over me and I feel the heat of his gaze as it sears my skin, then he tears his shirt over his head and in slow motion undoes his jeans and pulls them to the ground.

The air leaves my lungs. Holy fuck.

His skin is olive, his chest is broad with a scattering of dark hair, his stomach is lean and ripped. My eyes drop lower.

He’s big . . . really big.

This is the best fucking coffee shop that I ever saw.

I swallow the lump in my throat as my nerves begin to thump.

Our eyes meet and his face breaks into a breathtakingly beautiful smile. “Hi,” he whispers softly.

My heart somersaults in my chest. “Hi.”

“I’m naked with Kate Landon.”

I laugh out loud, this is crazy. “What’s happening?”

He smiles darkly and drops his head to between my legs, as he lies down and makes himself comfortable. “I don’t know, but I like it.” His thick tongue swipes through my sex and I nearly jump from the bed. He holds my thighs open as he licks me and his eyes close in pleasure. “So good,” he murmurs to himself.

I watch him, in a detached state, somewhere between heaven and hell. My hands go to his hair and I run my fingers through it: it’s thick and feels curly to the touch.

He gets rougher and his two-day growth begins to tingle my skin; he licks deeper and deeper and then he’s all in, his whole face rubbing me.

Tags: T.L. Swan The Miles High Club Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024