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Can't Touch: A Boss Romance

Page 19

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“What’s stopping me from going to the bathroom and finishing myself off?”

“Nothing’s stopping you,” he says with a cheeky smile. The thong slips down past my knees and he bends to catch it. Helps me step out of it. “But you won’t.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because you’re curious,” he says. As if it’s the simplest thing in the world. “You want to know what it’s like. And you believe me when I tell you that waiting a little longer will make you come like the earth is shattering underneath you.”

It’s my turn to smirk. “I thought that already happened this morning?”

“Oh, Chianna, you have no idea.” He lifts my thong between us where we can both see it. My arousal is visible, plain as day. And both my jaw and stomach drop as he brings the fabric to his mouth and licks it. Groaning. “You taste so fucking good.”

It’s the hottest thing that I’ve ever seen, and now I have nothing to stop that same arousal from dripping down my thighs. “Okay,” I say, practically gasping for air. “I’ll wait.”

Kris smiles. The kind of smile that’s wicked. The kind that lets everyone know that you have a secret. “Good.”

“And you won’t either?”

He raises one eyebrow and then tucks my panties into the inside pocket of his jacket. “I never said that. I doubt I’ll be able to make it an hour without excusing myself to do some more thinking about you.”

I gape at him. “That’s not fair.”

Snaking an arm around my waist, he yanks me against his body where I can feel how iron hard he is. Holy shit. He’s huge. “I never said it was fair. I said you were curious. Am I wrong?”

Damn it all to hell.

He’s not wrong. And I hate him for that. I love him for that. The idea of him coming while thinking about me? I love that. Him doing it knowing that I’ve agreed not to? I can’t explain why that sends fire spiraling through my core, but it does. It steals all my breath and makes me want to drag him anywhere more private.

Voices echo from down the hall, and Kris lets me go. He steps back to a friendly distance. “I’m sure I’ll see you at the meeting,” he says. “And later we can…make further arrangements.”

He’s already walking out the door as other Core Tech employees walk in. There’s no way that they would ever know what just happened between us. Or the fact that it feels like my entire world has flipped like an hourglass in a matter of minutes.

And I hope to God they don’t know how soaking wet I am as I walk back to my desk.



The meeting room is intimidating. All the powerhouse players from Core Tech are here. If I want to stay at this company, then I need to impress at least some people in this room. For today I’ll settle for keeping my mouth shut and disappearing into the background.

Meynard directs me to sit in a chair next to him, and I do. Honestly, I’m not sure why I’m in this meeting at all. I have several copies of his partial proposal, and I’m supposed to distribute them when he says, but that’s something that anyone could have done. Even him.

But it’s okay. Just a few more hours of this, and then I can disappear into my room and not come out. Tomorrow he’ll be gone, and I’ll have a few days of freedom.

Movement out of the corner of my eye has me turning, and I go entirely still as Kris sits down on my right. “Meynard,” he acknowledges my uncle. “Chianna.”

“Have to sit right there, do you?”

Kris intentionally looks around the table. “Do you see another place to sit?”

I hadn’t looked around, but now I do and I see that he has a point. All the rest of the chairs around the massive conference table are filled. The one next to me was the only one available. If I didn’t know better, I would say that he planned it, but I’m not sure how he would manage to do that.

My uncle doesn’t bother to give a response to that.

“Okay, let’s get started.” A man sitting near the head of the table says. I recognize him from my research as the CEO of Core Tech, Brandon Wales. “Go around the table. I want each of you to come up and give a brief summary of where you’re at in your proposal. If you have anything for the management team, that’s fine.” He chuckles. “I know that more than a few of you will be a little bit cagey about your details in a room full of people who are working on the same task, so I won’t ask for too much. But we’re down to two weeks until the final presentations. If the management team and I don’t feel like your proposal will be ready in time, we reserve the right to ask you to not submit it. You can start.” He points to a man that I don’t know, who stands and makes his way to the front of the room.

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