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Can't Touch: A Boss Romance

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At the same time, all the heat I can feel through the fabric of his suit seems to sink through my skin and into my body. The thought of getting him off? Of him helping me get him off while he’s made me agree not to? God, that’s so fucking hot.


I blink, and find my uncle staring at me. Glaring at me. “Yes?”

His jaw tightens. “The files, please.”

Scrambling to my feet and hoping that no one saw where my hand came from, I grab the small stack of folders in front of me and pass them to the CEO, President, and Vice Presidents. My face is so red that it’s hot. From embarrassment and arousal. I’m going to kill Kris when I get him alone. And then I’m going to bring him back and let him do whatever the fuck he wants.

“Still pawning off your work on interns, Meynard?” Kris says lightly. “You see anyone else here bring someone to carry five files?”

There’s light laughter through the room, and the tension eases. Without even mentioning my name, Kris took the focus off me and the inattention that he caused and put it back on Meynard for being a prick. Even if it’s all his fault to begin with, I’m grateful for the small gesture.

On the way back to my seat, I give him a small smile in thanks.

His whisper brushes the back of my neck. “I like seeing you smile like that.”

I press my lips together to hide my smile. My uncle is already seething. I can’t do anything to make it worse. But any doubts about whether or not I want to do this have entirely evaporated.

This time, when his fingers graze the skin of my thigh, I let them. I lean my leg into the touch and breathe, trying to show him without words that yes, I want more. Yes, I’m grateful for the rescue. And yes, I want him.

Meynard finishes his little speech, and despite my little interruption, the higher-ups seem pleased with what he’s said. But I still see a glimmer of amusement as the CEO glances towards Kris and me. “Excellent work, Meynard. Kris, show us what you’ve got.”

My uncle storms back to his chair and sits with far more force than is necessary. “You’re dismissed,” he snarls. His voice is loud enough to carry to the whole room and feels like a bucket of ice water. But I won’t let them see me sweat.

I get up and move easily to the exit, all the while feeling a pair of scalding hot eyes on my body. It’s only at the door that I turn back at the last second. Kris is staring at me like he could fuck me right here with just his eyes. I’m sure that he could.

Slipping out of the conference room, I lock eyes with him one more time before he starts speaking, and smile. He’s got this. I don’t know anything about the contents of his proposal, but I’m rooting for him.

When I get back to my desk there’s a smile on my face. Very soon, I plan on no longer being a virgin. And for the first time in what feels like forever, that thought excites me like nothing else.

As soon as my uncle leaves town? All bets are off. And not even Kris is going to see it coming.



Another sleepy, sweaty night lands me in the gym the next morning. Unfortunately, Chianna doesn’t join me there. By the time I get to the office I’m dying to see if she kept her word.

I’m sure she did. My little virgin is braver than she thinks she is. Especially after yesterday.

When the meeting let out, I dodged Meynard and his glares and tried to find her, but she’d already gone home for the night. Strange to think that I don’t have her number and my mouth has already been between her legs. The thought makes me chuckle.

I could have looked it up in the employee database, but I’d rather her give it to me. Besides…if I called her and had her come over last night, then I wouldn’t be able to see if she’s nearly writhing in anticipation today.

Today it’s clear that she’s not avoiding me. I’ve barely been in the office ten minutes when she rushes by my office, clearly in a hurry to get something. But she still locks eyes with me and there’s a tiny smile playing on her lips.

I don’t have a chance to call her into my office she’s so quick. Maybe I could have managed it—if her outfit hadn’t nearly put me on the floor. A skirt that’s barely long enough to be office appropriate combined with those tights that every guy fantasizes about. Shiny black heels high enough to say fuck me and a crisp, silky white shirt that I want to make dirty. Both literally and figuratively.

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