Alone in His Teacher's House (Marvin Redpost 4) - Page 13

Waldo ate another piece, then another. He didn’t stop until the plate was empty.

Then he waddled over to his dog food bowl and ate all his dog food too.

“All he needed was an appetizer,” said Marvin’s mother.

Marvin was so happy he almost cried.

He washed and dried the pot, knife, fork, and plate.

Linzy had to use the potty.

Of course! thought Marvin. She couldn’t go anywhere without needing to go to the bathroom. He smiled. He knew the kids in his class would be glad.

Chapter 8

Where’s Waldo?

Tuesday morning Marvin woke up with a start. He couldn’t remember if he had locked Mrs. North’s front door!

He remembered his family getting ready to leave. Then Linzy had to go to the bathroom. And Jacob was in a hurry because there was a TV show he wanted to watch. And Linzy had to hug Waldo three more times.

He got dressed quickly and rushed through breakfast.

He just couldn’t remember.

As he rode his bike to Mrs. North’s, he felt a knot in the pit of his stomach.

He dropped his bike in front of her house and ran to her front door.

He tried the knob.

It was locked.

But that didn’t mean anything, he realized. The robbers could have locked it after they left.

He unlocked the door and stepped inside.

Everything seemed to be in order.

Except Waldo wasn’t there to greet him.

“Waldo!” called Marvin. “Oh, Wal-do!”

The TV was still there. The VCR. There were no open drawers. Nothing seemed to be missing, except—

“Waldo!” Marvin called again.

He looked around the kitchen and the living room, then entered Mrs. North’s bedroom. Something smelled funny.

Waldo had thrown up on the floor.

Marvin just missed stepping in it.

He could see pieces of liver and dog food. It looked like Waldo had thrown up everything he had eaten.

“Waldo!” Marvin called.

He looked under the bed.

Tags: Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025