Alone in His Teacher's House (Marvin Redpost 4) - Page 18

“You can go to jail for murdering someone’s dog,” said Judy.

Clarence and Travis joined the group.

“Hey, Marvin?” asked Travis. “Did you shoot Mrs. North’s dog?”

“Got him right in the liver!” said Clarence.

The rest of the day was just a blur to Marvin. He couldn’t pay attention. He just kept thinking one thought. Mrs. North will be home tonight!

Miss Hillway said good-bye to the class. “Thank you. It was a most enjoyable week. You’ve been a wonderful class.” She looked at Marvin. “Of course, there are always a few exceptions. Mrs. North will get a full report.”

“Do you want to come over to my house?” Stuart asked as they walked out of class together.

“No,” said Marvin.

Now that Waldo was dead, Marvin’s friends liked him again.

“Why not?” asked Nick. “It’s not like you have to go to Mrs. North’s!”

“I just want to be alone,” said Marvin.

“Did the vet tell you what time Waldo died?” asked Stuart.

“No,” said Marvin.

“You should ask him,” said Stuart.

“They can figure those things out. Because if Waldo died before midnight, then Mrs. North only has to pay you for five days. Fifteen dollars. But if he died after midnight, then she has to pay you for six days. Eighteen dollars.”

Stuart was good at math.

“I guess you don’t get the four-dollar bonus,” said Nick.

Marvin walked home. Then he got on his bike and rode to Mrs. North’s house for the last time. He still had to bring in her newspaper and mail.

Her house felt empty, like a cave.

He wrote her a note.

Dear Mrs. North,

If you are looking around for Waldo, don’t. You won’t find him. He’s not in your house. And he’s not outside. Well, he’s dead. I hope you had a nice time on your trip.

Yours truly,

Marvin Redpost

He went home and waited for Mrs. North to call.

“Do you think I’ll be expelled?” he asked Jacob.

“I don’t think she can do that,” said Jacob. “It’s not like you did it on purpose.”

“I just did what the doctor told me,” sa

id Marvin.

“But she’ll still blame you,” said Jacob. “She might say she doesn’t. But really she will. Every time she looks at you. Every time she gives you a grade. She’ll be thinking, ‘Marvin Redpost. He’s the boy who killed my dog.’”

Tags: Louis Sachar Marvin Redpost Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025