Better to Believe (Harrison Campus 4) - Page 47

Liam picked up the glove Coury had used and wrapped his fingers around the ball inside. Coury deserved the chance to see what happened. It didn’t matter that taking his shot meant they couldn’t be together. Coury was one of the most giving people he knew. Once they’d started spending time together, his crush quickly turned into love. If Liam asked, Coury would probably turn down his chance to . . .

He put the glove back on the shelf. “I needed to let go so he would chase his dream. That’s why I didn’t say anything.”

The tears came before he could keep them in. Pop folded him into his arms like he’d done so many times when Liam was little. This time, his grandfather couldn’t hug away the hurt.

Chapter Twenty-Two


The drive back to campus barely registered. His mind accepted what happened, but his heart didn’t. Liam never promised he’d stick around until the end, only that he understood what they were doing. The call from Coach had changed Liam. Like hearing it was really happening made it more real than before.

Music was already blaring when he reached the house. Everyone was ready for a party. He had been, too, when he left to get Liam and Beckett. Doing his best to avoid his fraternity brothers, he trudged up the stairs.

He paused at the spot where Liam had roared at him. Had it only been four weeks ago? When he got to his room, he stopped again to remember their first kiss. Did Liam wish he didn’t remember for real?

Luke nearly dropped his textbook when Coury walked in. “Coury! Didn’t expect you back so soon. Where’s Liam and Beckett?”

“Probably still at Pop’s house.” He kicked off his shoes and flopped onto his bed. “They’re not coming.”

Luke flipped his book over and sat on the edge of his bed. “Gonna tell me what happened?”

“Beckett walked into the house just as Liam kissed me. Not a full Monty, but more than enough for him to figure it out.”


“Beckett told me to leave, and Liam didn’t tell me to stay.”

“What? That can’t be right. What happened with you and Liam?”

“Nothing.” It was the truth, but it wasn’t enough. “I got a call during the argument that followed. The scout wants me to pitch for him. I told coach I’d get you to catch for me.”

“Of course, and congrats, but don’t change the subject. Why would Liam just let you leave?”

“Because I got the callback. Nothing like an icy cold bucket of reality to wake you up, I guess.”

“That doesn’t sound like him. Are you sure he wanted you to leave?”

“I waited for him to tell me to stay, and he hasn’t called or texted since I left. I get I’m not smart like you or Liam, but that’s pretty good evidence he wanted me to go.”

Luke looked at the carpet. He had his deep-in-thought face on. “I don’t get it, Coury. He’s been so into you. It doesn’t make sense.”

“Doesn’t it?” He sat up and met Luke’s gaze.

“You think he doesn’t want to piss off Beckett?”

“No. He’s protecting himself. It’s what any sane person would do.”

“You need to call him and work this out.”

Coury shook his head. “No, I don’t. I should have listened to Beckett.”

“Liam is an adult. He knew what he signed on for.”

“Did he?” He shrugged. “I think shit got real when I got that call.”

Luke didn’t answer and Coury lay back down. “Liam’s smart enough to connect the dots. He got what he wanted, and now this is better for both of us.”

“Geez, Coury. You make him sound like a cheap slut.”

“I didn’t mean it that way. I saw the look on his face. He wanted to be happy for me, but he knew what it meant. Beckett gave us the perfect breakup point before either of us got in too deep. He saw that immediately and I’m going to respect his choice.”

Luke stood, went back to his book, and shut it. “You need to stop being so nice. Fight for what you want instead of always being the good guy.”

“I can’t have what I really want, Luke. I want him and baseball. We both know that’s not going to happen. This hurts like fuck now. Can you imagine what it will feel like in eight weeks? Liam obviously can, and he decided not to go there.”

“I get it, but don’t give up so easily. There has to be a way.”

He wanted to hope there was some way they could make it work. He wanted to call Liam and ask him not to bail on them. He wanted to work together to figure it out. But he wasn’t going to do any of that.

“There are always ways. It’s a matter of what you’re willing to sacrifice. Liam deserves better than to be my dirty little secret. I won’t ask him to do that.”

Tags: Anyta Sunday Harrison Campus M-M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024