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Better to Believe (Harrison Campus 4)

Page 53

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“A wise man told me to weigh the cost of chasing your dream. There are ways to remain part of the game without giving up what really matters.”

Liam beamed and squeezed Coury’s hand. When Pop looked at him again, he wore a smile that matched Liam’s. “Yes, there are. I might be able to help you, but tonight, Helen and I have plans. You two have fun.”

Liam’s cheeks burned, but it didn’t dampen his joy. “You two do the same.”

“We will.” Helen winked and grabbed Pop’s arm. He turned almost scarlet, but he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

They watched his grandfather help Helen into the car and waved as they drove off.

“You did that,” Coury said.

“I did what?”

“Helped Pop see he had more living to do.” Coury kissed Liam’s cheek. “You’re good like that. People are better when you’re around.”


“Nope. It’s why I’m sure I love you, Liam the Lionhearted. You make my life better. And I can’t think of anything I’ll ever want more than you.”

Liam blinked back tears. “That’s . . .” his voice cracked. “Thank you. I love you, Coury Henderson. I think I have most of my life.”

“Then I have some catching up to do.” He leaned over and placed his lips on Liam’s. It was soft and simple, but it was easily the best kiss of Liam’s life. Coury loved him.

Coury tilted back. The sun was behind the house, but it bathed him with its waning rays. His sandy hair sparkled, but not as much as his smile. Hands in his pockets, he grinned like he’d been the first pick in the draft.

“You’re amazing,” Liam gave him a peck on the lips and pulled Coury’s hand from his pocket. “And right now, I want to be naked so I can feel every inch of you.”

“I need a shower first. I’m kinda nasty after practice.”

“We can be naked together in the shower.”

Coury snorted. “Yes, we can.”

Liam didn’t bother to bank the urgency of desire. He tugged Coury up the path. Kicking off his shoes, he left them scattered on the floor. It wasn’t the time for neat. He flung his coat over the bannister and thundered up the stairs.

Taking two at a time, Coury sprinted up and caught Liam at the top. He slid his arms around Liam’s waist and pulled them together. Liam wiggled against the length of Coury’s hard-on. “I want that in me again.”

“Yeah? Is this your bossy bottom mood?”

“Would you like it if it was?”

“Fuck yes.” He nipped the bottom of Liam’s ear, sending shivers through his body. “I want you wild and sexy. Telling me what you want so I can give it to you.”

Liam’s dick strained against his jeans. “Think you’re up for that?”

“I can do anything if I try.” His tongue swirled around Liam’s ear. “Or so this hot-as-fuck guy I’m holding told me.”

Sucking in a breath, Liam laced his fingers between Coury’s and squeezed. “Bedroom.” He released their hands. “Now.”

He spun Coury in the direction of his room. “Don’t do anything until I’m with you.”

Darting into the bathroom, he pulled out an extra set of towels, took a swig of mouthwash, and turned on the water to get it hot. Swishing the minty blue liquid for another three seconds, he spit it out, and left the bottle on the counter.

Coury stood a few steps inside the room. He’d done exactly as told—nothing. That left Liam with endless wicked thoughts. Sidling up, he put a hand behind Coury’s head and pulled him into a hard kiss. With his free hand, he untucked Coury’s shirt from his jeans.

Slithering his hands under the two layers, Liam shimmied the soft material up warm skin. Coury raised his arms and Liam yanked the shirts off and tossed them aside. He ran his hands over the tight muscles and fine hair on Coury’s chest and stomach.

“I love your body,” he said. “Take off my shirt.”

Coury slowly teased the navy-blue pullover up Liam’s body. He bent and licked Liam’s chest as he slipped the sweater over his head. Tossing it on a chair, Coury wrapped his warm arms around Liam, pulling them together and into a kiss.

Sliding his hand up, he cupped Liam’s head and pushed his tongue against Liam’s lips. The urgency of his kiss fueled Liam’s need. He fumbled to unbutton Coury’s pants and shoved them and the underwear down the moment he’d succeeded.

Coury stepped up and down, never breaking their kiss, until he’d kicked the denim to the side. Using his free hand, he unsnapped Liam’s jeans, slipped his fingers under the waist of his boxers, and helped him wiggle out of the constricting fabric.

“Shower,” Liam said as he peeled off his socks. “Now.”

A smirk was Coury’s only response as he removed his socks and did as he was told.

The muscles in Coury’s ass flexed as he walked, and Liam’s dick twitched. He wanted to touch every inch of Coury. Setting a bottle of lube on his nightstand, Liam quickly followed him to the small bathroom.

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