Sam reeled, taken aback by her generosity. ‘Yes, I did. But I also knew that I needed space. And solitude. After that night I decided that I was going to leave London and leave Gordon-Browne, and work from home, and that’s what I did. I said sorry and goodbye to Rosie, and that—I thought—was that. It was so long ago. I can’t believe she let it fester all this time.’
Fran nodded. She suspected that Sam had little idea of his real impact on the opposite sex. She also suspected that Rosie had not exactly lived like a nun in the ensuing years. ‘The most attractive thing in the world is often the thing you know you can’t have.’
‘You look pretty attractive to me right now,’ he said softly, a question in his eyes.
She thought of what he’d said about her inability to communicate, and knew that his words had more than a grain of truth in them. ‘Well, you can have me any time you want me,’ she smiled softly. ‘You know you can.’
He leaned across, took her hand in his and raised it to his mouth. ‘Oh, Fran,’ he said, and his breath felt warm and alive against her skin. ‘Don’t you realise that I’ve fallen hopelessly in love with you?’
‘Oh, not hopelessly!’ she flirted. ‘Because I love you, too.’
Sam felt a tug of desire so overwhelming that he felt dizzy with the anticipation of it. ‘No, not hopelessly,’ he murmured.
‘Rosie also told me—’
He groaned. ‘Oh, honey! Haven’t we exhausted the subject of Rosie yet?’
‘That she was getting married—’
‘Well, that’s nice,’ he said evenly. ‘In fact, that’s wonderful—to use one of your favourite adjectives. I’m not really interested in the details—certainly not now—but we’ll send them a wedding present that’s simply—’
‘Wonderful!’ she giggled, but her eyes were wide with question. ‘You aren’t angry with her?’
Sam shrugged. ‘What’s the point? Anger is such a waste of time. And anyway, I’ve got the woman of my dreams.’ His brows lifted in delicate query. ‘At least, I think I have? But maybe we should go somewhere more private, and discuss the question in some detail?’
‘But you’ve just checked out,’ she objected.
‘So I have.’ Sam smiled, but there was hunger in his eyes as he held out a hand towards her. ‘I guess that means we’d better jump in a cab and go straight back to your flat, hadn’t we, honey?’
‘TWINS,’ said Sam slightly unsteadily. ‘Twins!’
‘Well, don’t sound so shocked, darling,’ said Fran demurely. ‘When a couple spends so much time making love without using any form of protection then a pregnancy is almost certainly on the cards, wouldn’t you say?’
‘But twins,’ he said again, in a dazed voice. ‘Fran, honey. Two of everything—two cots, two high chairs, two car-seats—’
‘Two babies,’ she reminded him.
‘Are you scared?’
‘Terrified. And I’ve never been happier!’
‘Haven’t you?’
She heard the faint trace of wistfulness in his voice, and knew what had caused it. In the two years since they had been married, their happiness rating seemed to have almost shot off the scale. Particularly since they had decided to make their main home on the coast, just outside Dublin, where the beautiful blue sweep of the bay lulled you into thinking you were in the Mediterranean.
‘I’ve been so happy with you, and it just gets better and better,’ she told him gently. ‘And the babies will only add to that happiness.’
‘I know they will.’ He raised her hand to his mouth and pressed it against his lips. ‘It’s just that I’ve had you all to myself and I know that you’re going to be the most fantastic mother in the world, and—’
‘And what?’ she prompted softly.
‘I’m going to have to share you now.’ He raised his dark brows. ‘Is that a terrible thing to say?’
Fran grinned. ‘No, it’s a wonderful thing to say. It means that we communicate honestly with one another and that’s more priceless than gold-dust. Besides, don’t you think I’ve thought it, too?’