An Assault Helicopter Unit in Vietnam (Undaunted Valor 1) - Page 105

ARA. Aerial Rocket Artillery, commonly referred to as Blue Max.

BC. Battalion commander.

C-Rations. Canned food that could be eaten cold or hot, used by the military from World War II until the late 1970s or early 1980s.

CWO. Chief warrant officer.

C&C. Command-and-control aircraft.

DC. Direct electrical current.

det cord. White cord approximately 1/4-inch around that is highly explosive and used to quickly cut trees or blow up other objects.

GCA. Ground control approach, a technique used for landing aircraft, with a ground controller watching an approaching aircraft on radar and giving the pilots information as to runway alignment and altitude.

klick. Measurement of distance used by the military, consisting of 1,000 meters (one kilometer).

LZ. Landing zone, the designated location for the insertion of troops. Once an established firebase is present, it is named with the prefix LZ.

MP. Military police.

medevac. Medical evacuation.

NCO. Non-commissioned officer, those enlisted personnel in the military with a rank between E5 and E9; commonly referred to as sergeants in the Army, Marine Corps and Air Force and chief in the Navy and Coast Guard.

NDP. Night defensive position, usually established by company-sized or smaller units for their stationary position after dark.

NVA. North Vietnamese Army.

PX. Post exchange, the military version of Walmart.

PZ. Pickup zone, a location to pick up passengers or supplies.

RLO. Real live officer, a term applied to commissioned officers, versus warrant officers, who are appointed officers.

SF. Special Forces.

S-2. The title for the officer responsible for the overall planning, coordination, collecting and analysis of intelligence information.

S-3. The title for the officer responsible for the overall planning, coordination and execution of actions by an organization.

S-3 Air. The title for the officer responsible for coordination with aviation elements to support the actions of an organization.

thermite grenade. A grenade that is designed to destroy objects through heat rather than explode; burns at approximately 4,000 degrees.

TOC. Tactical operations center.

WO. Warrant officer, junior to CWO.

Warrant Officer Protection Association. A fictitious organization consisting of warrant officers, which allowed us to complain about RLOs and Army policy.

XO. Second-in-command of a unit.

Tags: Matt Jackson Undaunted Valor War
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025