Beat by Beat (Riggins Brothers 5) - Page 18

Chapter 6


It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen a member of the Riggins family. However, every day I’m talking to one of the women in the family. It’s been surreal the way they’re all in my life, as if they’ve always been there. Sawyer and I have talked on the phone a few times about the kids, the same with Layla. Aspen and I have talked every day since I met her, and Aurora has called me a few times as well to ask baby-specific questions.

I went from having one best friend and a very small circle surrounding me to four additional women, who are strong, confident, and so full of kindness their hearts have to be ready to burst out of their chests. I don’t know what I did in a former life to have them so suddenly thrust into mine, but I’m grateful.

I didn’t know how nice it would be to have friends who are moms. Someone to talk to about what’s going on with Madeline and with me. I love Carrie. She has been with me through thick and thin, but she’s not a mom. And sometimes, it’s hard for her to relate to me and the questions I have about motherhood.

My phone rings from its place on the kitchen counter, and I rush to answer it before it wakes my sleeping daughter. “Hello.”

“Hey, Wren, it’s Aspen. You need to get a bag packed for you and for Maddie. We’re going to the lake.”

“Um… the lake?” I ask.

She chuckles. “Sorry, I wanted to get that out before you had a chance to shoot the offer down. Yes, the lake. My future in-laws have one on their property. We hang out there a lot.”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to intrude.” This is what I say every single time she’s asked me to meet up. First, it was her house, which led to dinner with her family. The second was coffee with her and Aurora when she insisted on picking me up for. The third was lunch with her, Aurora, Layla, Sawyer, and the little boys. She picked me up then as well.

“Come on. You know you’re not intruding. I’ll come pick you up.” I knew she was going to say that.

“Why can I not say no to you?” I laugh.

“Because I’m awesome,” she replies. “Now, get to packing.”

“Maddie is napping.”

“Okay, well, it will be about an hour or so before I get there. I have to pack for myself too. I’m not taking much. A swimsuit, my cover-up, and a hoodie and sweats in case it gets cold tonight.”

“It’s the middle of the summer.”

“Yeah, but you never know, and I swear since the moment I found out that I was pregnant, my thermostat has been broken.”

“Okay. I guess we can do that. I don’t have a suit, but I don’t plan on swimming. Come to think of it, Maddie doesn’t have one either.”

“She won’t need it. Just bring a onesie she can get dirty and a change for after.”

“Are you sure it’s okay if I join you? This sounds like a family thing.”

“I promise you are not intruding. The girls and I will sit with the kids, and Aurora and I won’t be skiing or doing any of the other water sports since we’re pregnant. We’d love the company.”

“I hate that you’re always chauffeuring me around.”

“It’s not an issue, Wren. I promise. I’ll be there in an hour.”

“Okay. Thank you for the invite.”

“Yay! I’m so glad you’re coming with us. I’ll see you soon.” She ends the call before I can ask her if I should bring anything. I mentally calculate the funds in my checking account. I don’t have time to make anything. I can just offer to pay for what I eat, or maybe I’ll just bask in their company and pass on the food. I feel as though I’m a sponge. Every time I’ve met up with them, someone has picked up the tab. I try to only ever order a drink, but they always insist on more. One of these days, I’m going to need to take a turn, and that’s going to take a hit to my account. Maybe I can try to pick up an extra shift soon? I’ll see if Carrie can watch Maddie for me while I do. I hate to leave her another day, but it’s only fair I take my turn to pay.

Tiptoeing into Madeline’s room, I pull a small insulated backpack from her closet to pack extra bottles and food. I grab her a few extra outfits and diapers. I toss in some toys as well as a few extra blankets. Checking in on her, she’s still sleeping, so I make my way back to the living area and go through the diaper bag, adding the additional items. It’s fully stocked with diapers, wipes, more toys, bibs, and a couple of outfits. I’m certain I’m going overboard, but I want to make sure that I have anything that we might need.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Riggins Brothers Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024