Southern Attraction (Southern Heart 3) - Page 48

“To go back to your place?” she asks. I can hear the hope and desire in her voice.

I can’t help but laugh. “No, to spend time with our friends.”

She sighs dramatically, but her beautiful smile is still in full bloom. “Yes.” Grabbing her hand, I guide her up to the front porch.

“You need a minute?” Whit taunts us.

“Actually, yes, that would be great. Can we borrow the spare bedroom too?” Jamie asks, her face solid, serious.

“Uh….” Whitney is rendered speechless.

“Got ya!” Jamie laughs.

“After the way you attacked him, I wasn’t sure you were kidding,” Whitney confesses.

Jamie looks up at me. “I could be persuaded.”

Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, I address Aaron and Evan. “You need any help with the fire?” It’s time to get the conversation steered in another direction. If she keeps talking about it, I might just throw her over my shoulder and speed back to my place. We’re not there yet, no matter how bad I ache for us to be.

“Nah, we were just waiting on the two of you. Let’s head out back,” Aaron says, Whitney, Evan and McKinley following.

Jamie starts to as well, but I pull on her hand to halt her. Bending down, I place my lips next to her ear. “Feel free to surprise me anytime you want,” I say, kissing just below her ear.

She smiles softly. “Happy birthday weekend, Michael.” Standing on tiptoes, she kisses me. It’s soft and way too quick, but it’s her lips on mine; I’ll take that any way she’s willing to dish it out.

“Come on, you two,” Whit calls out for us.

We both laugh and walk to the back deck. Jamie pulls away from me and heads toward Whitney and McKinley, grabbing drinks out of the outdoor kitchen refrigerator. I stop and watch her leave—trust me, you’d do the same. I hear laughter behind me, which forces me to pull my eyes from her.

“Welcome to the club, brother.” Evan tilts his head toward the girls.

“Damn fine club to be a member of,” Aaron laughs.

“Not there yet,” I tell them.

“Could’ve fooled me,” Aaron comments.

“What’s holding you back? From the looks of that entrance, not much,” Evan laughs.

“Distance.” I hate that she lives so far away. I’ve run the scenario in my head a million times and no matter how I spin it, we both give up something. One of us would be leaving our families and our homes. I’d be leaving my legacy, the Tavern, and she would be losing her dream. She’s just now in a place where she can seek out the larger firms and land her dream job. I’m at a loss for how we could work. No way could I deal with being away from her for weeks at a time.

“That sucks. I’ve dropped a few hints that she should move here,” Aaron tells me.

“I wish. She’s happy in the city, and I would never forgive myself if she gave that up to be here. I just don’t see how we can make it work.”

“What does she say about it?”

I shrug. “We’ve not dissected it too much. We both know long distance isn’t what we want long term. Right now we’re just… getting to know each other.”

“From the looks of it, that’s working out for you,” Evan laughs.

“What’s so funny?” McKinley asks, her arms going around his waist. Whit does the same with Aaron and to my surprise, I feel Jamie do the same to me.

“Just guy talk.” He leans down and kisses her forehead.

“Well can we move the guy talk to the fire? It’s still kind of chilly out here,” Whitney asks.

Their arms still around each other, Aaron guides her to the fire pit and takes a seat, pulling her into his lap. Evan and I follow suit, and that’s how we spend the rest of the evening, sitting around the fire, snuggled up close.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Southern Heart Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024