Tell Me You Want Me (Search and Seduce 2) - Page 1

Chapter One

“What do you mean you’re not coming?” Michelle Ruby asked into her cell phone.

“I’m sorry,” Chloe’s voice came back. “I totally wanted to do this with you, but something came up.”

Michelle let out a long sigh. “If that something is Gage again, that’s not a good enough excuse to ditch me.”

Chloe McGraw was seen less frequently around their small town of Beaufort, North Carolina, than Big Foot lately. Three months ago, she’d married Gage McGraw, the head training officer of North Carolina Search and Rescue, and ever since then, neither of them appeared to have exited the honeymoon phase. It was probably the truest Happily Ever After for a couple that Michelle had seen.

“Well, this is kind of Gage’s fault that I can’t come,” Chloe admitted.

Michelle clutched the phone to her ear and turned to glance at the classroom door behind her.

“I’m literally standing at the entrance of the class and…” Was she really going to go in alone? Or she could leave. Forget this whole thing. But then she’d be exactly what her parents and ex thought her to be: a give up and run home girl.

Michelle huffed and took out her notebook and flipped to her extensive “To Do” list, each with subcategories that were color coded and outlined for maximum success.

To Do

#1) Be Independent.

She frowned at the number one bullet point and knew there was a lot that went into those two small words. She’d spent her whole life dependent on her family, their money, and her ex-fiancé. But she couldn’t do it anymore. Couldn’t give in to a life that was structured for her, a life that was so safe she never had to worry about being hurt but also could never know for sure that she was capable of taking care of herself. She refused to depend on anyone again.

Which brought her to a different list, the “To Don’t” list. There was only one bullet point on that one, and it was:

#1) Don’t get into a relationship. Ever!

She’d learned the hard way that giving herself completely to a man only gave him the power to control. And the new Michelle was all about finding independence. In every way. She even had a sexual fantasy list, but she’d save that for later.

Right now, she was standing alone, attempting to take a step in finding this phantom independence by signing up for a survival training course. Surely if she could survive, that would be proof to herself and everyone that she was well on her way to having her life under control.

As if Chloe read her mind, she said, “I am really sorry I can’t do the wilderness survival day with you today, but you should still go. Have fun! It will be adventurous after all.”


That one word struck her chest and delivered a kick of annoyance and pain. She’d been in town for just over six months now. After breaking ties with her family and their money, she’d been determined to live a life for herself and on her own. She was more than just her family’s rich name and even richer bank account. At least, that’s what she kept telling herself.

Growing up in the city, she’d never had any real friends or freedom. But finally in this little town, she had friends and her small high-fashion boutique—The Chic Storm. And failure wasn’t an option. Some weeks were better than others for her store—in fact, if she didn’t turn her business around in the next six months, she’d be forced to consider closing the shop—but she was determined not to go bust. She wouldn’t. She couldn’t. Because that would mean she’d have to run home to her family. And that simply wasn’t an option.

Which was one other big reason why she’d come here for this survival training. The next six months would prove whether she could be the woman she needed to be. If a little thing like a struggling business was enough to break her, how could she hope to stand tall for the rest of her life?

Her stomach clenched, but she took a deep breath and forced the feeling deep down, where it couldn’t hurt her anymore.

She would make this work on her own. She’d show them all that she was a strong, independent woman.

The phone call she’d gotten from her mother a few days ago had been an unpleasant reminder of just how much she still had to prove. Because her mother’s phone call had come with startling news.

Her ex wanted her back.

Funny, he’d called her parents and not her, like it was some business arrangement. Because that’s what it was. She’d loved him for a while. He’d offered her the same comfort and security as her parents. He’d even asked her to marry him. And like a fool, she’d said yes.

Then she’d seen what marriage to him would be like. She’d realized that

he wanted her to dress and act the part of a dutiful woman. When she’d told him her dream of running her own boutique, he’d told her no. Just like her father. Just like her keeper. But when Brad had threatened to dump her if she moved to North Carolina, that was the final red flag. And she’d snapped. Sure, running a few states away with her savings account wasn’t the best laid plan, but so far, she was struggling to gain the independence she needed.

Brad had stayed true to his word. He’d dumped her. But she’d made the right decision. Now she was going to check off as many things on her To Do list as possible.

Michelle hadn’t realized how hard she was clinging to her cell until the case bent in her hand and threatened to break. She’d loved Brad, and he’d broken her heart by laughing at her. Commanding her to stay in the frilly box he graciously provided. But she couldn’t. Wouldn’t. Now if only her parents and Brad took her seriously instead of waiting for her to fail.

“I am really sorry I can’t be there,” Chloe said again.

“You’re the one who talked me into this,” Michelle countered. Michelle had bore her soul over a pitcher of margaritas to Chloe about how no one in her old world gave her an ounce of credit. Chloe’s advice? Go to this survival class. Show them—show yourself—that you’re capable of more than anyone realizes.

When Michelle had left the city, she’d hoped her parents and Brad would come around or at the very least, support her decision. But nope. He’d dumped her. It was the gnawing realization he’d only wanted her as long as she’d acted a certain way. And that way was Upper East Side societal. Using her own brain was optional.

“Yes, I did talk you into this,” Chloe said, “because I think it’s just what you need to realize that you don’t need that dick Brad or your parents. You shouldn’t believe what he said about you.”

Brad had been brutal. Telling her it was only a matter of time before she came to her senses and crawled back penniless. Her parents had said the same thing, only laced with sugary-sweet passive aggressiveness.

So that was it. She was on her own, trying to survive. And damn it, that’s what she’d do. She’d also get all these lists checked off and enjoy life. She’d be the woman she wanted to be.

“Thank you,” Michelle said, feeling a light smile appear. She appreciated that her friend was trying to help her. And she had to admit, being here, doing this, made her feel hopeful and excited. This was a huge step in the right direction. Even if the truth was that she was a little scared. Okay, she was a lot scared. She wanted to succeed, which meant she couldn’t fail at the one major bullet point on her list:

Be the independent, adventurous Michelle I want to be.

Balancing the phone between her ear and shoulder, she underlined one word:


That one word was why she was here. It was the reason she’d accepted Chloe’s crazy idea about this wilderness training. It was put on by the local search and rescue team, and she could prove—to herself if no one else—how adventurous and capable she was.

I’m not just a name or my parents’ money.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025