Tell Me You Want Me (Search and Seduce 2) - Page 11

She slid back down to lie on the ground and scooted over inside the sleeping bag as far as she could. Then she held up the flap for him to join her. Thank goodness it was massive. Built for an ox. Or a gigantic man like Dex.

Dex looked at her for a long moment, then he kicked off his boots and unzipped the sleeping bag enough to climb in with her. It wasn’t spacious, and she was pressed against a wall of man. The minute he nestled against her, she felt better. Warmth radiated off of him. Lying face to face, he wrapped her in his arms, and she curled into him.

She pressed her palms against his chest and snuggled closer. He sifted through the long hair that hung down her back—

And the need for more took over. Just like earlier that day when she’d kissed him, she felt the overwhelming desire to give in. Give in to the moment. Give in to Dex.

Why not?

She was trying to be adventurous after all. And she did have a hefty list of fantasies she wanted to explore.

What better way to prove to herself that she was in control than by going after the man in front of her simply because she wanted him?

She closed the small distance between their lips and kissed him softly.

“This isn’t a good idea,” he rasped against her.

“You’re just keeping me warm.”

“You’re going to get a lot more from me than warmth if you keep doing what you’re doing there, princess.”

His hips moved just a bit, and she felt the hard ridge of his erection press against her lower stomach.

“Well, I don’t have condoms, so looks like all we can do is kiss.”

He grinned. “First of all, that’s not all we can do. I know a lot of ways to keep you warm involving just my hands. Others involve just my mouth.” He paused and nodded. “And others involve my hands and my mouth.”

Oh my. She got hot just from the sound of his words, so his follow-through would likely put the fire to shame.

“Besides,” he whispered against her lips, “I have condoms.”

Her eyes shot wide, and she leaned back enough to look at his face.

Before she could ask, he said, “Like you said, I’m prepared.”

She bit her lip and thought about taking him up on his offer. It could be a one-night thing. It would be adventurous, that’s for sure.

“I don’t like you,” she whispered sweetly.

“Well, shit, princess, don’t spare my feelings.”

“I mean I’m not looking for a relationship or anything.” That was something she had to be super clear about. She was looking for independence and new experiences. Not someone else to be held accountable to. Or worse, report to.

She glanced at her hands. They were currently on his chest and slowly going lower. Feeling every hard ridge of muscle as she went.

“Okay, I like you a little. In some ways…” She went another inch down and felt the second pack of what she could only imagine was an eight pack of oh-my-abs.

“I like you liking me,” he rasped. “Because if you liking me keeps your hands on me, then we’re going to get along just fine.”

Every word dripped with promise and passion and so much confidence that she not only believed what he said, she wanted to experience it. The drawl of his words, the sexy way his vowels dropped just a little, it all made tingles spark between her legs. He was southern charm wrapped in sexy, tied up with an alpha male bow, and was exactly what she wanted to get lost in. Because somehow he managed to treat her like a lady and a wanton all at the same time.

“No matter how much I like you, or in what way,” she clarified quickly, then went on, “this can’t work,” she said. “You and I are too—”

“Are you pre-breaking up with me before I even set to kissing you thoroughly?”

“It was pretty thorough earlier,” she admitted, and heat rushed to her cheeks.

A low, “Mmmm,” sounded from Dex as he took a small taste of her lips. “It was over way too quickly,” he said.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025