Tell Me You Want Me (Search and Seduce 2) - Page 14

Shaking and convulsing, she let it take her down, burning and humming with so much pleasure she didn’t know what to do. Other than let instinct take over. This was her one adventure, and she was going to make the most of it.

This woman was all fire and passion. Clearly she hadn’t had a chance to let out that kind of spark, and thank God he was the lucky son of a bitch to catch all her heat. She was starved for some contact, for some easy fun. He could sense it in how she moved. How she breathed. She was looking for a break from the box she likely lived in. He knew women like her and read that need for excitement on her face like a damn book.

He was going to give it to her. Because that’s what he was good at.

The one moment of bliss.

The pleasure.

He’d be the story she’d tell her high-class friends about later. It would randomly get brought up over wine as they reminisced about “that one time you slummed it with the trashy guy in the woods.” She could even check this off her list of desires.

Assuming she actually went through with it.

Dex couldn’t tell the future, but he had a good idea about this woman. And she was innocent deep down. Sure, he gave her credit for having a bit more depth than the usual uptight debutantes. But that didn’t change what this was. He’d called her bluff on sex. Yes, he had condoms, but he knew she’d never go through with a one nighter. A woman like her wasn’t built like that. Christ sakes, she had a list of things she wanted to try that included sex positions. Which told him that the men she’d been with hadn’t offered her anything more than missionary. They hadn’t treated her the way a woman deserved to be treated, her lover helping her discover and fulfill her every desire. Damn shame, because she deserved to be treated all kinds of right.

His chest swelled with pride.

Making her come was one of the best fucking things he’d done in a while. She was raw passion and wild spirit. Wet and hot and so damn ready he could taste it.

Now as her lithe body was coming down from the release, he slowed his touches, ready to exit the sleeping bag and walk away.

A loud zing shot through his ears. He went from on his side with a sexy woman in his grasp to the sleeping bag busted wide open and those delicate hands pushed down on his chest.

He hit his back, and she straddled him.

“Whoa there, princess,” he said, cupping her face. “What are you doing?”

She frowned. “I’m trying to make love to you.” Her eyes got wide, and she looked down, as if a haze cleared in her mind. “Am I going about this wrong?”

Ah, shit. She looked on the brink of embarrassment and panic, and that wasn’t what he wanted. Was this when she would pull away? Actually, he’d expected her to blush and push him away as soon as he’d given her an orgasm. She’d fall asleep, and he’d deal with his cock himself. In the morning, they’d never speak again.

But she was on top of him now…wanting more. Maybe she was delirious. He needed to remind her what this was.

“You’re doing everything right. I just thought that it would be better if we didn’t fuck.”

“Why?” she asked bluntly.

Dex was never one to dance around the truth, so he replied equally bluntly. “Well, for starters, you call it ‘making love.’”

“Oh, as opposed to your colorful language of ‘fucking?’” She sat up to air quote the last word, and Dex couldn’t help but smile. She was sassy, and even sitting up straight with perfect posture and him between her legs, the bastard in him couldn’t help but love it.

Part of him got a high from being the bad decision in an otherwise spotless record. And Michelle was spotless all right.

“I thought you were capable of delivering a rough and wild tumble,” she said, quoting his line from earlier. “Or was that just big talk?” She moved her hips enough to run that sweet core of hers along his dick. “Sure would be a shame if your talk was the only big thing about you.”

Oh, that did it.

With a growl, he slapped her ass in both hands, clamped down hard, and spun her onto her back. He lay down on the sleeping bag, pulled her beneath him, and with one hand, yanked down her jeans.

“You know what happens to sweet girls who get mouthy?” he asked.

Her big blue eyes were wide with excitement as she shook her head. He pulled out a condom from a small pocket on his pants and ripped it open with his teeth.

“You get what you ask for,” he finished.

He opened his pants, pulled out his cock, and covered himself in record time.

“Promise?” she asked with a wicked smile.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025