Tell Me You Want Me (Search and Seduce 2) - Page 25

Why? One, because she was hot as hell, and after the other night with her, he still couldn’t get the feel of her out of his mind.

Two, he’d glimpsed the wounded, vulnerable side of her. And he’d be damned if he let her go off with some stranger who would take advantage of her. Someone who’d hurt her. If she was going to check off all those adventures on her list, at least he could make sure she had fun without getting hurt.

Besides, he needed his damn hours.

He could keep their affair casual, and they could both walk away getting what they needed. Didn’t mean he liked the woman. Actually, he hated her kind of people. Wealthy and uptight. Dex got a sick thrill making that sexy mouth of hers beg for him while he issued the commands. She wasn’t so high and mighty when she was under him. Literally.

He could keep his goal in sight, get his hours, get her list tackled, and be a happy man on his way. Because truth was, deep down, the thought of another man fulfilling that list bothered him. A lot of men would take advantage of what she was offering. Use her up and spit her out. Dex would give her pleasure on her terms, the temporary kind women like her always wanted from him.

So there it was. For the good of his career, he’d train the sexy vixen that had a secret wild side. Yeah…it was hard being him.

Tonight was pretty dead, and the curtains over the windows of her boutique were drawn, but a low light glowed behind the shop.

Dex opened the door. The sign said CLOSED, but the door was unlocked.

As he opened the door, he saw a few women still inside, making their way to the register.

He stepped in. It smelled like Michelle. Lilacs and sunshine and femininity. And there was so much stuff. Classy and elegant stuff. Pops of color and clothing against light cream walls with well-organized racks of various fashions of silk and lace and holy shit—he walked farther in toward the back and there was a small circular table full of bras, panties, and so much lacy barely there lingerie that he got hard just thinking of Michelle donning a piece.

“Typical man,” Michelle said, walking from the back room and into the showroom of fashion and beauty. “Going straight for the panties.”

Dex shrugged. “I’m a guy. And if you’re offering your panties on a silver table, I’m going to fucking go for them.”

He winked.

She blushed.

It looked like she was trying not to, but he could read her. Knew she was tempted by him. And he was more than tempted by her.

Tempted didn’t mean they liked each other. But now that she’d agreed to see him, he could get his recertification and enjoy her all in the same six hours. Then they could both move on and have some fun times to look back on.

“Thank you for coming,” she said and moved toward him. She was in that same tight black skirt she’d had on this morning, along with a form-fitting white top. She was smooth and crisp, with such a fresh face that no one would think she’d been on her feet in those sexy red stilettos all day.

“Let me finish up with my customers, and then I’ll see to you,” she said with a smile.

Dex nodded and watched her work. She brought some pink lacy number to a brunette standing near the register and chatted happily with her. The woman looked at Michelle like a beacon of beauty and grace. Because she was. She was personable and obviously knew what her customers wanted, because the brunette took the pink lace and nodded happily before pulling out her wallet.

Dex watched Michelle check out each woman. She looked them in the eye. Made time for just them. Took a moment to answer any questions, and never once did she look nervous. She was in her element. Dex felt a surge of pride hit him.

“Have a great evening,” Michelle said to the last woman, walking her to the door. She locked it behind her and made her way through the store and back toward Dex. He’d never taken his eyes off of her. She was confident as she wound through her shop. Clearly she knew each detail of the pieces she carried. This was her wilderness as much as the mountains were his, and she looked strong, sexy and capable as hell in it. He knew she was looking to gain confidence and experiences, and he wanted to be a part of that.

“And thank you for waiting,” she said, finally closing in on him.

“Of course. I’m glad you’re giving me your time. I have a few things that I can teach you,” he started. There was a lot he wanted to teach her, but in the spirit of staying professional, sort of, he had some GPS training, survival, compass, and other skills he could begin with. He could check off a few things from his list, then he’d check off a few things from hers. “First thing tomorrow, we can start.”

“I was thinking we’d start now,” she said with a smile.

All right, he could be down for that. Except… “I didn’t bring my GPS,” he said, and part of him felt like a loser.

“You won’t need your GPS,” she said.

He frowned. “That’s kind of important for what I have in mind.”

“Yes, but not for what I have in mind.”

He liked where this was going. He took a step toward her and grinned. “Oh, I see. Luring me here after hours. Playing innocent. Why ma’am, are you trying to seduce me?” he teased.

She took her own confident step toward him, coming so close he could smell her. He’d taken a shower since he’d seen her last but didn’t bother shaving. Clean T-shirt and jeans was as far as he went, but she was looking at him as if he were in some tux on the runway. It was nice when a woman looked at him like that. When she looked at him like that.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025