Tell Me You Want Me (Search and Seduce 2) - Page 35

“I want to design lingerie.”

His fork clinked against his plate. “I fully support that idea.”

She laughed, but he was dead serious, and the praise in his voice and eyes did something funny to her chest.

“I um…I kind of already have a few pieces. Just something I do for fun. But maybe someday it can be more.”

He sat back in his chair. “So, these pieces. Can I see them?”

She smiled. She was wearing her own design tonight, actually. And yeah, she wanted to show him. But first…

“You have to tell me about you.”

He nodded. “Pretty simple guy. I grew up here. Was in the Army at eighteen, out at twenty-six, and have been doing SAR since.”

“You’re a civil servant. Like to help others.”

He shrugged, but she saw it. He was a good man, just like she’d been told. He was capable and strong—also things she knew—but he chose to be easy and fun and kind all at the same time. Working for others by helping and serving. All while commanding his world and having fun. It was a gift. She wanted to grab on to all that special kind of power he possessed. She wanted to grab on to him.

“I like to be useful,” he said. “We all have a part to play. I figured out what role I was cast in at a young age. And I’m happy to play that part. That’s all.”

There was a raw honesty to his admission that made her heart twist. Like there was an edge of pain behind his words.

“I understand playing the part,” she admitted. She knew how it felt to be her father’s daughter, Brad’s fiancé, but never herself. It was hard to face the expectations and judgments others had put on her. They’d told her what it meant to be a good woman. A good daughter. A good wife. And it had nearly broken her to walk away from their support. But she couldn’t keep living a lie. She had to find out who she really was, even if it meant facing the disapproval of the people she’d once looked up to.

Dex seemed to understand that. His silence spoke volumes, and so did his careful words.

“Now,” he said, casual charm back in gear. He pushed his plate away and put his elbows on the table. He wove his hands together and stared her down. “I’m interested in you. Tell me about these designs of yours.”

It was her turn to be bold. She wanted to grab hold of Dex, a walking, talking adventure, and that want was turning into a need.

“I could tell you about them,” she said and rose to stand. “Or I could show you?”

His jaw slackened, and his eyes ran from her breasts to her legs and back up.

“Teasing is not something I take kindly to inside my own wilderness, princess,” he warned, but there was desire behind his eyes. Not just for what he wanted, but for the small piece of her she’d revealed that was genuine and true.

“I’m not teasing. I’m wearing my favorite design. Do you think that’s a coincidence?”

“I think it’s a damn miracle, and I’m a lucky son of a bitch.” There was that charm that made her feel seen. Made her feel sexy and wanton. Not at all like an uptight snob. When he looked at her like he was right then, she could almost pretend she was the kind of woman she wanted to be.

Fun. Spontaneous. Adventurous.

He made her feel that way. And she wanted to soak it in while she could.

She walked toward him, slowly. He pushed out his chair, facing her, watching her like there was nothing else in the world he’d rather look at. And having a man like him look at her that way made her feel like a prize.

“Once again,” she said, taking another slow step until she was five feet in front of him, “I expect a fair trade.”

He put his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair, happy to gaze at her.

“You show me yours, and I’ll show you mine,” he said.

She raised a brow, ready to yell, “Deal!” but he cut her off.

“But as soon as you’re down to your pretty custom lingerie, I’m going to give you the training you asked for.”

That made her frown. She didn’t want to train; she wanted to enjoy him. Wanted to please him.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025