Tell Me You Want Me (Search and Seduce 2) - Page 38

When she was kneeling before him, her bound hands resting against his ass, she looked up with those big blue eyes and smiled.

“I’m being resourceful,” she said, “and improving our situation.” She was eye level with his cock, and he wasn’t even trying to hide it. The damn thing was straining against his jeans and all but begging for her.

“Would you be a dear and remove your shirt, please?” she asked kindly, and Dex tore it off.

She was the one on her knees, and yet he’d obey any command she gave.

“Mmm, I love your skin,” she said and leaned in to press a kiss on his lower stomach. She licked along the band of his jeans, and when that sweet tongue scraped over the head of his cock peeking past his waistband, he shuddered.

“Wow, you really can’t be contained, can you?” she said with a smile and gently nipped his hip bone.

“Every part of me is here to assist you, ma’am,” he said.

“Oh good, because you seem to be just the right kind of man for the job I have.”

There was no way he could possibly be this lucky…

But when she tugged on his belt with nothing but her teeth, he knew he’d hit the jackpot. He had no idea how she did it, but he looked at her, transfixed by her tongue and teeth opening his belt.

When his belt loosened and his pants hung open, his cock peeked out, and she eagerly licked along its soft skin. God, she was right there, tempting and teasing, and he wanted to feel her hot mouth on him. Wanted to tear the barrier of his pants away.

“Hmmm, we should get those pants all the way off.” She blinked up at him, her smile right by his cock, and he was ready to go to his own damn knees and beg. Beg to have her mouth on him. “I’d love to stay down here and have more of you,” she said, “but I need my hands for that.”


He didn’t care about the game anymore or anything else. He pulled the small knife he carried with him from his pocket, flicked it open, and reached around to cut the duct tape from her wrists in one clean swipe.

Her hands came free instantly. He sheathed the knife and tossed it behind him.

Her hands still had the ripped duct tape on them as she pulled his pants down past his hips. She gazed up at him just as she reached for his cock.

“Looks like I was able to get free using my surroundings after all.”

Dex knew right then that she’d played dirty, and he loved it. Loved every challenge she gave, and it didn’t matter that she could actually use him to get her way. All he cared about was having more time with her. Having her stay near him so he could smell her, feel her, taste her.

She was different. Smart. Stealthy in how she got what she wanted. And right then, she wanted him. He saw it in her eyes, felt it in her touch, and he was so okay with that. It didn’t matter that she was his better in lots of ways. Nope, tonight, they were two equals with equal attraction and to hell with the rest. He’d deal with it tomorrow.

“Savvy woman,” he breathed.

She gripped the base of his cock and her breath hit him when she said, “I’m tenacious when I want something.”

He knew that to be true.

He should say something gentlemanly. Like “Oh, you don’t have to suck my cock,” but he wasn’t feeling overly gentlemanly. He was on edge, silently begging for her to put that mouth on him. He wanted her so much. More than that, he wanted her to want him back.

She looked over his shaft in her tight fist and ran her lips along the head. His eyes were on her, and all he cou

ld do was groan. Those plump pink lips trailed over his flesh. Not licking, not kissing, just…rubbing.

“You continue to impress me,” she said, and just a hint of her tongue tasted the slit.

He hissed, and a violent tremor skated through him. Then she pulled back, and he suddenly realized she was the one playing with him. What he would give to keep this game going.

He’d do whatever she wanted. She could literally lead him around by the cock, and he’d follow dumbly. Just please God, don’t let her take her mouth from him.

“You seem on edge,” she said. Her voice and lips hummed against his shaft. “Something the matter, Dex? Big man like you shuddering makes a girl wonder if perhaps I’m doing something wrong.”

“No,” he said around a strangled breath. “You’re doing everything right.” He cupped the underside of her chin and lifted slightly. Her blue eyes met his. “I think you enjoy teasing me.”

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025