Tell Me You Want Me (Search and Seduce 2) - Page 51

Guess his skull was thicker than even he realized, because once again…he knew better. He was getting caught up on a city girl out of his league.

His phone pinged in his pocket, and he fished it out and read a text from Michelle. It was like the universe was listening and fucking with him.

Michelle: I would like to see you. Tonight. Would you like that as well?

He smiled. She was direct. Stated what she wanted and asked his opinion in return. She also had amazing timing, because he was going on seventy-two hours with not a single fix of her, and he was getting edgy with withdrawal. All reason aside, he wanted another taste of her.

Dex: I would like that very much.

Michelle: Great. Please come as soon as you can.

He frowned at the last part. It sounded urgent.

Dex: Are you okay?

Michelle: Yes. Sort of.

Dex: What’s wrong? Are you hurt?

Come right away and “sort of fine” made his brain start hurling ideas. Maybe she’d hurt herself? Cut her hand on a kitchen knife? Car broke down?

Michelle: I’m not hurt. I just miss you.

That made his whole face slacken. She wanted him to come over right away because she missed him.

Plain. Simple. That was it.

She missed him.

She didn’t need him to do any work or chore. Didn’t need him to pick her up or bail her out. Didn’t need a favor. She just missed him.

That made his chest puff out with happiness.

“Gotta go,” he said quickly to East, shoving his phone into his pocket and leaving his last harness on the table. “Can you finish checking that for me?”

“Got somewhere better to be?” East asked.

“Yeah,” Dex replied. He did.

“You should at least shower before seeing your girl,” East called after him. Apparently Dex wasn’t overly cryptic when it came to his plans. It had already been a long day. Yeah, he’d worked hard and was a little sweaty and hadn’t shaved in a few days, but she wanted him. Even he couldn’t resist this disaster waiting to happen.

“I’ll take my chances,” he said.

Chapter Eleven

A knock came at Michelle’s front door, and she all but ran to it. Her feet slapped against the hardwood and sent vibrations up her legs as she hustled faster.


It had only been fifteen minutes since she’d texted him. She threw open the door and lunged at him.


hello to you,” he said with a deep chuckle and hugged her.

She was going for what she wanted. Wasn’t going to waste any more time. And what she wanted was to taste and feel Dex.

Their time was ending. The list would have to be completed on her own. And this, in its own way, would be a checkmark off her list.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025