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Bright We Burn (The Conqueror's Saga 3)

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Mehmed’s face was carefully neutral. “Cyprian. Ah yes. I had forgotten his name.”

Radu did not believe him. And he could not accept that this was Mehmed’s solution. To simply wait and see what happened. Radu had been waiting for months. “If we have had no word of Nazira, they must have run into trouble. If you would give me the men, I can—”

The door burst open, and Kumal Pasha, Radu’s beloved brother-in-law, hurried in. Radu wondered if he had somehow been drawn by discussion of his sister. Radu stood, grateful. Kumal would support his petition for more resources.

Kumal bowed. “I apologize for interrupting, but we have just received word from Bulgaria.” He held out a sheaf of paper. A servant took it, then shuffled toward Mehmed, bowing and holding it out. Radu itched to keep pressing about Nazira, but Kumal was here on other business. Radu would speak with Mehmed later. And he would bring it up again when next they were alone. Mehmed had been so evasive about expanding the search that Radu wondered now if it was because of Cyprian. Could he be jealous?

Mehmed looked over the papers, his normally composed expression shifting as his eyes widened the more he read. When he looked up, it was directly at Radu.

“Lada. She has attacked Bulgaria and killed tens of thousands.”

Radu’s heart raced as though he were the one attacked. “Why?” She had murdered the envoy, and before they had even sent a response she had done this?

Mehmed stood. “Kumal Pasha, Mara Brankovic, Radu Bey, stay. Everyone else, get out.”

There was a rush and flutter of robes, and soon the four of them were alone, save Mehmed’s guards. “Come.” He retreated into his private room.

Radu followed, the space feeling oddly larger with more people in it. Perhaps because Mehmed alone was so much more overwhelming than Mehmed with other people present. Radu leaned against a wall as Mehmed paced. Kumal and Mara both sat on a long, low bench.

“You cannot let this stand,” Mara said, breaking the silence.

Mehmed looked as though he wanted to throw something. But everything in the room was expensive, exquisite, his own property. His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides. “I do not understand this. I gave her the throne.”

Radu shifted uncomfortably. “But you did not. Not really. You never sent her men or aid. She took it on her own. You can see how she feels that she is not a vassal.”

“Wallachia is a vassal state! She knows this.”

“You did not respond to her murder of the envoy, either.”

Mehmed gave Radu a pointed and wary look. “You think I invited this?”

“Of course not!”

Mara shook her head. “It does not matter.

She has to be held accountable.”

Radu ran his fingers along the edge of his turban. Normally the cloth felt soothing, but he found no comfort now. Tens of thousands. Bulgarians, no less. It made no sense. What was she trying to accomplish? “Did she take any land?”

Kumal had been whispering to Mara, filling her in on details. He looked up and shook his head. “Just a fortress at Chilia that has traditionally been Wallachian.”

“So she is not expanding. But why would she attack Bulgaria? It destabilizes the entire region.”

Mara snapped a fan open and waved it in front of her face even though the room was cool. “She swept through and attacked all the Ottoman fortresses. Our forces there must be in utter chaos. I do not think the Bulgarians will use it as an opportunity to rise up against us—Serbians would not, we would fight alongside you—but it will make everyone in the region bolder. Moldavia, especially. Does she have a relationship with King Stephen? He is your cousin, is he not?”

Radu shook his head, feeling worthless. “I do not know. I have not been home—” He stopped on the word, wondering how it had slipped out in relation to Wallachia. “I have not been there since I was a child. The relation is on my mother’s side, and she left when we were very young. If Lada has contacted him, it is recent.”

“How did she even accomplish this much damage?” Kumal asked. “It should not have been possible.”

“You never really knew her. The impossible is where my sister excels,” Radu said. “That, and never backing down.”

Mara was still toying with her fan, opening and closing it. “What does she want? Can we buy her?”

Mehmed laughed darkly. “If being empress could not tempt Lada from Wallachia, nothing can.”

Radu inhaled sharply. Empress? When had Mehmed offered that? He had not mentioned having seen or communicated directly with Lada since she left. Mehmed always kept her secret, kept her in a portion of his heart Radu had no access to. Radu lowered his head. All their hours in here alone. All the confidence and closeness. All the work Radu had done for him while Lada was far away and actively working against Mehmed. And still she held him. She always would.

Kumal stood, walking to a map displayed on the wall. “If she gets Hungary, Moldavia, and Transylvania on her side, they may be able to shift the whole region out of our control. We would lose the Danube as well. We can fight Wallachia without any real loss, but I do not like spreading so thin between more regions.”

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