Bright We Burn (The Conqueror's Saga 3) - Page 66

“I was looking for you. I would like to—”

Radu held up his hands. “So sorry, I cannot. My wife has just arrived.”

Aron did little to hide his annoyance, though his words belied his tone. “Oh, by all means! Go and see to her comfort first. I can wait. But I would like a detailed update of all the efforts to fortify the city and find your sister.”

Radu had neither the time nor the desire to pretend to involve Aron in the military business going on all around him. But if the country were to be Aron’s, he would have to take over at some point.

“Yes, of course.” Radu inclined his head respectfully, then ran.

He made it out of the gate just as the horses arrived. Radu was nearly knocked over by the flurry of yellow silk that threw itself at him.

“Radu!” Nazira hugged him tightly around the neck. “I am so glad you are well. We did not hear good reports of the fighting. We had to wait an extra two weeks at the Danube before they thought it was safe enough for us to continue. We even passed the whole army going the other way! Hamza Pasha said you remained to help.”

Radu squeezed her back, holding her close, then pulled away so he could look her in the eyes. He wondered what else Hamza Pasha had told Nazira, and prayed that he had had the decency not to mention Kumal. “Why did you keep coming? You should have gone back with them!”

Nazira pursed her lips in a scold. “I told you, husband mine. We are not being separated again. We are a family.”

Fatima dismounted daintily, smiling at Radu with her head ducked. “It was not such a bad trip.” She was a terrible liar, and her efforts to make him feel better made him want to send her right back home. She deserved comfort and peace.

“Besides,” Nazira continued, “I have always wanted to see where you came from.” She smiled, an expression both generous and obviously false. “It is lovely!”

Radu laughed. “It is wretched. Lada left nothing unharmed. But someday I will take you into the countryside. Snagov is lovely, a little island monastery in the middle of a great green lake. And the mountains at the Arges will take your breath away.” He eyed the castle warily. “Are you certain you do not want to go back to Edirne and wait until my work here is finished?”

“I am certain.”

“We are certain,” Fatima added.

Radu sighed. “Very well. Would you like to do my work for me, then, and allow me to return to Edirne right now?”

Nazira laughed, though it seemed a little quieter and more forced than normal. Then her face turned somber. “My brother? Did you find his body?”

Radu dropped his eyes to the ground. “He has been buried with all the love and respect he deserved. I washed and dressed his body myself, and saw to his burial. I can take you to his grave later.”

“Thank you.”

“I am so, so sorry that—”

Nazira put one hand on his face, forcing him to look at her. “I will receive no more apologies from you on the matter. All I ask is that you mourn the brother we both loved. And do so without guilt. I cannot have your guilt on top of my sadness.”

Radu nodded, feeling selfish. It really did place a burden on Nazira. If she did not blame him, he had no right to force her to forgive him.

“Good.” She brushed her hands as though wiping away the remnants of Radu’s guilt. Then, her voice going oddly loud given the topic, she said, “I am going to settle into my rooms with Fatima. Please meet me on the north tower alone in an hour’s time.”

Radu frowned, puzzled. “I have not been staying in the castle.”

“Well, that must change. You will need our help, as will the Danesti brothers. We will all stay here now.”

Radu could not discuss the truth of the situation with her in public. Though, having her around would be an excellent buffer between himself and the Danesti demands. Nazira would probably have ideas on how to handle it, too. “Whatever you wish. I can show you to your—”

“Fatima and I are quite capable of settling ourselves in. Doubtless you have important work to see to. Just meet me in that tower”—she pointed to the tower where, as children, Lada and Radu had watched Hunyadi enter the city—“in an hour.”

Radu bowed. “Whatever you wish.”

Nazira went onto her tiptoes and patted his turbaned head. Her eyes shone with emotion; she smiled, though she looked on the verge of tears. “You deserve every happiness,” she whispered, then turned and went into the castle with Fatima.

Radu really did not understand women.

* * *

Tags: Kiersten White The Conqueror's Saga Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024