Vigilant - Page 54

Overwhelmed, Ari pulled into her driveway and slapped a hand to her forehead. She’d completely forgotten about Nick bringing dinner. His car was parked behind Oliver’s and she hustled to the door.

“I’m so sorry,” she said the instant she entered the house. Lively music played from the stereo and she heard voices from the kitchen. Everyone sounded happy, which was the exact opposite of how Ari felt at the moment.

“Ari!” Oliver called, when he saw her. He held out a glass of wine, which she eagerly accepted. She might as well drink the funk away. Veronica waved from the kitchen.

“Is he mad? I’m totally late,” she whispered.

“At you?” he asked. “I’m not sure Nick has a ‘mad’ button.”

Veronica left the tiny kitchen giving Ari room to go in. “Hi,” she said, resting a hand on Oliver’s shoulder.

“Hey,” Nick gave her a kiss. “Tough day?”

“Kind of.” Guilt settled in her chest. She’d spent the afternoon sharing secrets with her lover, not her boyfriend.

“Well, I brought over Thai. Enough for everyone. I thought we could all eat together.” He leaned into her ear. “And then maybe you and I could spend some time alone?”

“Sounds great.”

Ari excused herself, telling Nick and Oliver she left something in the car. What she needed was fresh air. This thing between her and Davis had grown complicated. And maybe just for her. After his revelation about his brother, he hadn’t said much more. Only that he would deal with the situation. She didn’t like the way his eyes had clouded over when he spoke about it. Or the way his hands balled into tight fists. Who was she to get in the middle of it? Except she was in the middle. Did that mean his brother had been visiting her room at night? Saving her from the criminals of Glory City? Except no, Davis said he wasn’t the Vigilante. Did that mean he knew who was?

Ari took a deep breath of cool night air.

“You okay?” she heard from the driveway. Veronica stood on the path that led to the back door.

“Oh, hey, Veronica. Just getting some air.”

“Well, you looked a little sick when you ran out of the room. Those guys are kind of clueless. I doubt they’d ever notice.”

“That’s the truth. One time my boyfriend broke up with me by text. I was crushed. Oliver offered to take me to a strip club and not the Magic Mike kind of strip club.”

“He’s a charmer,” Veronica laughed. “But for real. I know we aren’t close or anything but you seem a little stressed.”

“Eh…” Ari started. Where should she start? Missing kids? Mystery men? Murderers? Secret lovers? Her whole life seemed shrouded in drama. “I just feel a little over my head right now.”

“But Nick’s good right? He seems stable.”

“Yes, he’s very stable,” Ari agreed, not meeting her eye.

Veronica raised an eyebrow. “You’re not into stable.” It wasn’t a question.

“No, not always, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad, right? Because unstable guys—that never works out, know what I mean?”

“Yeah, I’ve been there.”

“But,” Ari said, before she thought better. “Those other guys, the unstable ones. They have a habit of getting under your skin.”

“Yes, they do.” Veronica leaned against the porch railing. “So, is there another guy? Someone who fits better with the tattoos and combat boots?”

“How?” Ari couldn’t remember exposing that side of herself when Veronica was around.

“Those tattoos are more noticeable than you think,” she said. “Plus, I’m a light sleeper. I’ve heard you come in late a couple nights. Once in a pretty revealing top. I wasn’t spying, promise. But it’s pretty obvious you weren’t out with Nick.”

The heat of embarrassment and guilt rushed to Ari’s face. “No. Not Nick.”

“So, ditch Nick. Go with the troublemaker.”

“I’m not sure he’s really available for more than what we have. Plus, I’m wondering if it’s time to settle down, leave all that behind.”

Tags: Angel Lawson Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024