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“I guess.”

“Nick is a juvenile-court-appointed lawyer. Are you telling me that’s whose been buying you stuff this whole time?” Ari remembered Devon talking about Shanna being with a guy named Reggie as well.

“Yeah, that’s him.”

“Is this his house?” Ari asked.

“Kind of. It’s a house, but he doesn’t sleep here.”

“How many girls here? Besides you.”

“Six, I think.”

“Shanna?” Ari asked, afraid she’d been hurt the night of Ari’s abduction.

Hope walked over to the dresser and opened each drawer, straightening the clothes inside. “She’s still here.”

“Are they all working?”

“Yeah. A couple on the street, but most of the men just come here.”

“Can they get help? If I give you a phone number, can they call? Can someone flag down the police?” Ari was sure that if one of the girls could contact Davis they could get out of here. He would stop Nick.

“The police don’t listen to us,” Hope said. “No one listens to us. We’re just whores and troublemakers.”

Her words felt like a slap. Ari deserved to be slapped. She hadn’t believed Hope when she’d told her about this place. Why would the police believe her now? Because someone with a better reputation was missing? Ari swallowed the bad taste in her mouth.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t listen. I’m so sorry. But I have someone who will believe you. I promise. He helps kids like you.”

Hope stared at her with dark, narrowed eyes. “So did you and look where it got me.”

“His name is Davis. At the Glory Youth Center,” Ari said. “Please Hope, trust me.”

Hope shook her head and left.

* * *

Nick sat across from Ari at the small dining table Jace brought in the day before. Apparently, he wanted to start having dinner with her. How romantic. The thought made her gag and took away her last shred of appetite. Plus, she only ate cookies. They seemed like the only thing he couldn’t drug and even then, she wasn’t sure.

Nick showed up alone, carrying a big tray of food, with two empty plates and wine glasses. “To prove the food is safe, we’re eating from the same serving dishes,” he said, arranging it on the table. “You’re too thin.”

The food smelled wonderful, way better than sandwiches and fruit. Beyond starving, Ari served herself a full plate of chicken, rice and vegetables. She didn’t even wait for Nick to serve himself, instead, shoving food in her mouth with her plastic fork.

“I’ve heard the name Reggie before,” Ari told him through a mouthful of rice.

“I’m not surprised. The girls call me Reggie.”

“No, other than that,” Ari said. “Davis called you Reg. I only just now made the connection.”

Nick flinched. Barely.

Ari took another sip of wine, feeling the effects almost immediately. “He never told me you were his brother, not really. It kind of slipped out when he was talking about you. He said the name Reg.”

“I’d rather not talk about that during dinner. Why don’t you tell me about one of the books you’re reading?”

Ari shrugged. “Why can’t we talk about it? Obviously it’s related. You obviously know I had a relationship with Davis. It obviously bothers you very much.”

“If you know it bothers me then why are you bringing it up?” He rested his fork on his plate and sighed.

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