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A Piece of Heaven (Allendale Four 1)

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“Okay then. That’s gonna be a ‘no’.” I knew I was being irrational. I looked like a slut, had been acting like a slut, but when called one I was getting pissy. I started off toward the building again.

“Wait,” Garrett stopped me with a large, warm hand. “Look, just come with me. This afternoon to the coffee shop. I’ll drive and pay. Just a date—nothing, uh, sexual.”

“A date?”

He smiled. “A date.”

Chapter 5

Garrett was sweet. And funny. And completely not interested in me. The minute we walked into the coffee shop, he flung a wiry arm around my shoulders and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. It was sweet, but a little fast. I know people assumed I was easy, but come on, buy me a coffee first.

“What was that?” I hissed in his ear.


“Garrett, don’t make me walk out of here.” Because I really didn’t want to walk home. These booties were cute as hell but not made for a three-mile walk home.

He sighed. “Fine, look, do you see Sarina over there?”

I nodded; Sarina was a cute sophomore at school with us. She was busy helping a customer. More than once, she glanced in our direction.

“I wanted to make her jealous by showing up with you,” he confessed.


“See, I knew you would be mad. This is why I didn’t tell you.”

“Really? Because I’m pretty sure I’m mad now because you didn’t tell me, dumbass.” I wanted to be indignant, but since I had my own plan to make one boy jealous by using another boy, it seemed a little hypocritical. Although, I was a little bummed. Garrett was cute and nice.

Did these guys only want to use me to get something else?

Seemed like it.

“I’m sorry,” he said. I gave him the stink eye. “No, really. It’s just...Sarina is awesome, and way out of my league. I heard her talking about how she thought you were kind of badass the other day. So I thought if you would go out with me, then maybe she would, too.”

I had to wonder what kind of morals Sarina had if she thought I was cool, in light of recent events. Whatever. The plan was to get people talking and for people to notice me. It seemed to be working.

“Why can you ask me out and not her?” I asked. “If I’m such a badass, you should be terrified of me.”

He shrugged. We were in line now, moving closer to the counter. “I’ve known you forever. I’m not sure what happened down at the beach, but I figured you could say yes, or no. You said yes.”

“Great. Well, now what?”

He adjusted his glasses. “I’m not sure.”

Time was up and we were at the front of the line. Sarina smiled when she saw Garrett and her eyes widened just a bit when she saw me next to him. Motivated by his sad story and news of my badassery, I leaned into his side and wrapped my arm around his stomach, anchoring myself to him.

“What would you like, Heaven?” he asked. He was being all smooth and gentlemanly. Crap. Now I was bummed again.

“Just a hot chocolate, actually.” I smiled warmly. Sarina watched our every move.

Garrett placed his order, chatting quickly with her. Minutes later, she slid the two paper cups across the counter. I decided to take the opportunity to do what Garrett was obviously too weak to do on his own.

“Thanks for the drink and the fantastic afternoon. See you soon, okay?” I kissed him on the cheek.

“Um...okay...” he stammered. His eyes flashed between me and Sarina. I threw him for a loop but I knew what I was doing. With a quick smile at her and a lingering hand on Garrett’s hip before I walked away, I set it all in motion. She smiled back. She was no dummy. If she thought I was a badass, then stealing my recent conquest would pique her interest even more. Sure enough, before I even walked three steps, she saw the break I was giving her and began flirting with a confused but blissfully happy Garrett.

Feeling powerful, I pushed open the door and was hit by a gust of damp, cold air. Great. So much for an awesome exit. I had no car and no ride back to school. I wrapped my coat tightly around my waist and started walking. I considered stopping by the police station to get a lift from my mom, but she would wonder why I was stranded without a car in the first place, so that was out.

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