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A Piece of Heaven (Allendale Four 1)

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“Thank you for stepping in, I don’t know what would have happened. I just broke. I don’t know. The photo…shit, did you see it?”

“Yeah, that’s why I came over. I was driving home and saw it. Turned my car around. You didn’t answer but I could hear the music blasting.” He tilted my face to his. “I’ve never been so absolutely fucking terrified before.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Do. Not. Apologize.” His voice was firm. “You’ve been through a lot, Heaven. So much. You’re brave, dealing with those bastards every day. The bravest person I know.”

I wrapped my arms tight around him. “I just felt so alone.”

“Always call me,” he said. “Me or any of the others. We’re just a phone call away, got it?”

That was the strange thing. For the first time after a major panic attack, I felt different. Like a miracle had happened the night before. My chest was clear. The anxiety lifted. Oliver did it. Just by being here. By taking care of me.

I nodded and burrowed my face into his chest. It was so broad and muscular, the type of thing you see on TV. Not in real life. Not in my bed.

His hand ran down my arm, tracing the pattern of my scars. I wanted to hide them but he held me tight and kissed me behind the ear, whispering, “You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.”

“It’s embarrassing.” I said back, a shiver tickling my spine.

“No.” He kissed my shoulder. My neck. “They’re a symbol of your strength, Heaven. You’re a survivor. You survived then and you’ll survive now.”

My heart swelled and like him, I wanted to explore his body. I wanted to feel him. He watched me, allowed me the freedom to touch him all over. He laid still, allowing me to take my time and it was only when he grimaced, wrinkling his nose, that I realized the effect my hands on him had.

“Oh,” I said, glancing at the small space between our hips. The distance shrunk as he grew. “Sorry.”

“I told you,” he said, closing the gap between us. “Never apologize.”

His lips were only a breath away, pink and inviting. I held his eyes and he cupped my face with his hand. I licked my lips and he unconsciously mimicked the move. He was going to kiss me. I knew he wanted to, but something held him back.

“What?” I asked as his eyes searched mine.

“I don’t want to take advantage. Not after everything you’ve gone through—not after tonight.”

I laughed. The first time since yesterday and it felt good. So good. “You’re not taking advantage, Oliver. Just fucking kiss me.”

It was all the invitation he needed, and when his lips met mine it was like a chorus of angels singing. He tasted like mint, his lips soft while his mouth claimed me hard. Electricity ran through my arms and legs, building in the most forbidden places. This wasn’t my first kiss but god, none had ever felt quite like this.

This was what it felt like to kiss someone that cared for you.

This was what it felt like to be with someone that gets you.

This was what it felt like to have your needs met and to want to meet the needs of others.

Late that night Oliver gave me the kiss that would give me back my will to live and the courage to handle the future. If one boy kissing me felt like this, what would happen if I kissed the others?

Chapter 9

We slept until dawn, the sun breaking through my bedroom window. Oliver and I were smushed on my too-small-for-two-people bed. Especially since he was twice my size. I woke with my face in the crook of his neck.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, trying to wake up.

“There are worse ways to wake up.” He rubbed his face. “Damn I had some crazy dreams.”

“Tell me about it. I dreamed I was being chased by all the guys at school. Justin and Eric were begging me for dates, but when I finally agreed, they just started kissing each other. Garrett lured me with roses and candy and then gave them to another girl. Jackson led me to Anderson’s house where I thought I was safe, which I was until they surrounded me with white tigers and forced me into a hanging cage where I had to dance for them. I even had on thigh-high, white, go-go boots.”

Oliver’s eyebrows were knitted together in deep concentration.

“What?” I asked.

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